
Feb 04, 2010 22:31

[Click! The audio comes on, and there's quiet for a moment, but when she begins speaking her voice sounds a little strained. Tired. Definitely worried.]

There are more people missing now, aren't there? And no sign of any of them? When I was a little girl, we used to hear stories about people who would be carried off by ogres or goblins, because they did something wrong, or just for no reason at all. It was scary but... well, I never thought I'd find myself in a place where it might actually be true.

And now--

[She hesitates, like maybe this isn't a subject she wants to start on.]

More messages on that wall. I don't know how many of you saw it too, but it gave me a bad feeling just seeing it there. I wonder if it could be covered up...

Anyway, I really just wanted to thank everyone who's been working so hard to get to the bottom of all of this. It isn't easy, especially since the natives don't seem to want to help at all if it isn't them being targeted. It almost seems like they'd willingly let us disappear, but I can't think that. They're just scared too. There are a lot of things to be frightened of here.

But if we keep working together I know we'll make progress. I already feel safer knowing that everyone's keeping an eye on each other. Thank you. And, if there's anyone else who wants to help, please consider joining one of the patrol groups. It would really help us out.

!nina fortner/anna liebert

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