and the stream runs in circles from the chasm to the core

Jun 23, 2011 19:57

Who: MULTIPLE THREADS! Expected: there are some plans. Unexpected: how would I know?
When: Right after this-with flexibility. All sparked by this after this.
Where: The Clinic
Format: [hates choosing] Whatever I start with, do your own thing!
What: Tonks visitations. Lupin's return. Shirley in da house. Trepkos the Grouch. AND MORE.
Warnings: Ow ow ( Read more... )

lust, shirley, daniel trepkos, river tam, heine rammsteiner, remus lupin, nymphadora tonks

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Meanwhile, in one of the private rooms... wotchesyou June 24 2011, 00:18:58 UTC
" I'm coming," he said ( ... )


Not so private no more, pumpkin? trephaestos June 24 2011, 00:46:19 UTC
From the wheelchair, Trepkos raised his head and blinked.

Autopilot muscle memory failure. He'd been distracted.

He should say Sorry they look alike from the outside but instead he raises his eyebrows at her wand.

"Are those standard issue in this place?"


She will come through this Narration and hex you. Don't start! wotchesyou June 24 2011, 00:54:23 UTC
"GET OUT!" She's scared again. Her tone also carries with it a slight begging tone. Tears formed in her eyes.

Why didn't he just roll out? She'd let him but he had to do it now. "Please get out, please."


/seals lips/ trephaestos June 24 2011, 01:31:31 UTC
He raises his hands palm-out. "Okay… okay."

His tone is actually… trying to be gentle. With open, unguarded lunacy, he feels more allegiance and sympathy than with anyone putting on put-togetherness in this deranged place.

He tries to turn the wheelchair around. But the door has swung closed behind him. Trying to negotiate the door and the chair and the corner in a hurry is taking obviously more commotion and clamor, more time than was called for…


wotchesyou June 24 2011, 01:45:39 UTC
Her wand is pointed at him. She only means to blast open the door but in her mind she thinks of fire. With her mental state and weakness her magic is uncontrolled. It's no wonder that her spell goes awry and fire erupts from her wand.

She doesn't mean it. Tonks tucks her knees into her chest and covers her head with her hands. She starts screaming, over and over she apologizes but she is not looking at the man in the wheelchair.


Didn't mean to playercest but the timing is too good. T'll leave the clinic & end the 'cesting soon lumenrelegandus June 24 2011, 02:32:40 UTC
The best laid plans… Sorry, Shirley. He had calmed down, had taken your intervention to heart, and had intended to approach all this with supreme calm and control.

But when Lupin heard that scream, he did indeed rip the door off.

He steps over it into the room, to see Tonks sobbing inconsolably, insensible to all else, curled into one corner; the wall opposite her as blasted and blackened as his plain in the Mist had been, with a negative-image unburned silhouette in the middle of it.

Casting the silhouette, Daniel Trepkos was still sitting in the wheelchair, looking absolutely stunned, clothing all-but burned away… but hair and skin and body absolutely impeccably unharmed and unmarred.

Lupin is momentarily tempted to cast Obliviate. But having seen Trepkos's past reaction to Lupin's wand when being used to soothe and heal, and deducing in an instant what had just happened, Lupin snaps his fingers and banishes his wand back to his pocket. He approaches Trepkos empty-handed to get him out of the room ( ... )


it's perfect wotchesyou June 24 2011, 02:43:32 UTC
Tonks lifts her head and looks at Remus with the eyes of a broken woman. Everything is there, every sordid detail of what Bellatrix did to her is present on her face. There were worse things than just the cruciatus curse, far worse.

She recognizes Remus but can't seem to stop crying. Sobs wrack her body. It is not a pretty effect.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean it." Her voice cuts out and she gasps then inhales sharply. "I just wanted to blast the door open. I didn't mean to call the fire." At any other time, she could have forgiven anyone. It had been an accident but this is not any other time. "He wouldn't go away. Why wouldn't he go away?"

She lowers her hands, they shake. In the calamity, she dropped her wand. It's only then that she realizes her wand is gone. "My wand! Where is it." She slides out of her chair and onto the ground. Frantically, and slightly reminiscent of a wounded creature, she looks for her wand. "Where is it? I have to have it."

Her wand is near Lupin's foot but she misses it, somehow.


and my heart is broken FYI. lumenrelegandus June 24 2011, 03:03:00 UTC
Seeing her like this nearly breaks him in half.

He can't even want to kill Bellatrix right now. It wouldn't help Tonks at all.

That he hadn't killed Bellatrix already… that Lestrange's wrath had anything to do with Lupin in a way that didn't even apply to this Tonks… that he hadn't been here… when you love someone it's only natural no matter how illogical to feel that everything bad that ever happens to them must be entirely your own fault…

Trepkos had been untouched by the fire, but everything inside Lupin is burning, burning, as he kneels to take her hands-his foot nudging her wand in the process. He hears the clatter and grabs it to show her; his fingers of one hand wrapped around the wand, those of the other twined through hers.

"He's fine. He's completely unharmed. I don't know how but I promise, it's true. You didn't hurt anyone."

How could she have hurt you…


you're not the only one with a fractured heart =( wotchesyou June 24 2011, 03:13:14 UTC
Tonks flinches when he takes her hand. As though for the briefest of moments she is scared that he is going to hurt her. She realizes that and it only causes her to cry again. Remus would never hurt her, she knows that ( ... )


AVDLKNAV;KDHIUFENM DMN,V DLSDI!!!!!!!!!! lumenrelegandus June 24 2011, 03:33:26 UTC
Kneeling on the floor together, he holds her, closing his eyes into the top of her head.

The fire has turned to ice. His heart is pounding fit to bruise. It hurts to beat.

no words no thoughts of course of course of course

At the last question he pulls back, holds her face in his hands, and kisses her cheeks under her eyes. Her tears are on his lips as he sits back to look her in the face. His voice shaking but intent because that is your answer Dora your way to survive what she made you do it's so important you know it's right there you said it you know it let me say it back to you-

"Because killing you would have been merciful. It would have been kind. It would have ended the agony. She didn't and you did because she is cruel and loves evil and you always do the right thing."


D: wotchesyou June 24 2011, 04:09:31 UTC
She needs that familiarity.

Tonks allows Lupin to pull her close and hold her. Her wandless hand grips the front of his shirt. The hand that holds her wand tightly snakes its way around him. She cries until the sobs no longer wrack her body but it's not over for her, not even close.

Her lips form a thin line. Knowing something is true and believing it are two separate things. Deep down, she knows she did the right thing. She just can't make herself believe it. The curses are Unforgivable for a reason.

When he kisses her, and oh how she would have melted had this scene not be a tragedy, Tonks closes her eyes. Despite his hands holding her head, she shakes it a little bit. "I could've... I could've tried to turn her wand on her."

But Tonks had tried, it just didn't work.


lumenrelegandus June 24 2011, 07:26:37 UTC
His fingers comb into her hair to hold her steady, even as the violence he feels with her travels from her mind through his fingers up his arms into the way he shakes his head.

"I've fought her since coming here. On my feet, uninjured. On neutral ground. Armed with my own wand." Better: Lily's. "It was a draw. Her wand wouldn't have cooperated with you unless you'd already defeated her. And you couldn't defeat her without a wand.

"And this time she defeated me too."

He leans forward to touch his forehead to hers. It's not only her tears on his face now. "I'm sorry I'm so sorry. If I could have died to prevent this I would have. I was trying to find you… I never meant to leave you."


wotchesyou June 24 2011, 15:46:43 UTC
There will come a time when Tonks will ask, Why weren't you there? Why weren't you there when I first arrived? Why did you stay away from me? Why why why why why?

She knows though. She knows how to go back on her Forge. Bellatrix showed her things, horrible things. Tonks had been shown Bellatrix's trick and heard Bellatrix admission that she had made him bleed.

"Please don't leave me again."

Though she is of no mind to confront it now, a reckoning is coming.


lumenrelegandus June 24 2011, 16:06:23 UTC
He kisses her again, on the forehead, and moves on the floor to sit beside her, putting his back against the wall so he can hold her more steadily.

"I'm yours. I won't leave."

(Until she asks him to.)

…Merlyn, suddenly how obvious now, whether anyone noticed or not, he must have been wearing that wedding ring the whole time…


wotchesyou June 24 2011, 16:34:16 UTC
She leans into him. Her hands come to rest, folded together against his chest. The grip on her wand isn't so tight now, her fingers have regained their color at least. Some of the tension that she has been carrying eases its way out of her.

Tonks leans her head against him but the top of her head doesn't reach his shoulder. It's only then that she the weight of her exhaustion hits her. She's so tired but she can't sleep either.

"Will you tell me a story Remus? Talk to me? Anything?" She thinks that if she can focus on his voice then maybe the nightmares will stay away.

And as for his ring, she's never noticed. There's never been a reason to.


lumenrelegandus June 24 2011, 17:09:01 UTC
He puts his head back against the wall. One of his arms is firmly around her. The hand of the other slowly comes to rest over her wand-hand. He doesn't try to take it from her; if anything he's helping secure her hold. His heart still pounds in her ear but he's breathing very slowly, deliberately, trying to catch her rhythm and calm it too.

His mind is blank of stories, not ones that feel worth anything, but for her… he opens his mouth and trusts that something will be there for her.

It may be.

"Every world goes to war. People carry their wars from one world to the next, whether they apply in the new one or not-whether they ever applied at all. It's easy to look at this trend and think war is eternal and people are incapable of doing or wanting anything else. But then one is reminded-one is shown-that some wars end. And can be worth something. When they leave a better world in their wake."

Shifting away from her ever so slightly, only just enough to free a space over his inner pocket; and rather than displace her further by ( ... )


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