the difference between a sentence and a paragraph? nothing >.>

Nov 10, 2014 22:35


#31 - Sacred
“Out,” Kame orders just as Nakamaru is sneaking a foot into the kitchen, his eyes fixed to the stove stop where something sizzles and sends a delectable aroma throughout the apartment; Nakamaru makes a face, “I just thought I’d help-” and cuts himself off with a sigh when he’s violently shooed away with a spatula, a reminder of how the chef is never to be disturbed.

#32 - Farewells
He’s at the airport with Taguchi, watching the flight to L.A. depart with their A, when he catches sight of someone camouflaged by the crowd and excuses himself; you should have said goodbye, he tells Kame who’s looking frail and unfathomable, and Kame gives him a wan smile when he replies, I couldn’t, they’re not my strong point… you should teach me how to, someday, and Nakamaru can only think that he would never want to.

#33 - World
Nakamaru knows how big the world is-he’s sat on hours long flights, stepped foot on foreign soil oceans away; he’s studied how different cultures travel the world, colliding and circling back like a ring of dominos-in his mind, he knows it’s limited yet vast, but it’s in the moments when Kame enters the room or brushes his arm along his-in the moments where he simply exists in Nakamaru’s orbit-that Nakamaru feels that the world is much, much too small, because Kame is all he sees.

#34 - Formal
Kame has been rehearsing this for a week now, as if learning all his past scripts had been practice for this moment, and he thinks he’s ready when the door opens-“Hello, Yucchi. I was wondering if you would do me the pleasure of escorting me to the café down the street? I hear their tea is delicious and I would quite enjoy your company”-only Nakamaru responds with a soundless, bug-eyed gape, and that’s not how it’s supposed to go and Kame thinks, screw it, before he tugs Nakamaru down by the collar for their very first kiss.

#35 - Fever
There’s something to be said about eating ice cream in the middle of winter, Nakamaru thinks happily as he swirls his tongue around the tip of his vanilla cone, the thick cream cold yet delicious on his tongue, prompting him to voice his appreciation out loud in a wordless moan; it takes him a moment to realise that the footsteps beside him have stopped and when he turns around, he finds Kame looking curiously piqued, his cheeks now rosy to match his ears and nose, and Nakamaru’s eyebrows knit together as he asks with sudden concern, “sick?”

#36 - Laugh
It’s almost become a routine in KAT-TUN-the slightest mention of something big or awkward or anything under the moon, really, and in three seconds flat, someone will have made an outrageous connection to Nakamaru’s nose or his hair wig, and hilarity will ensue; Masuda asks if he minds one day and Nakamaru is about to answer yes when a squinty-eyed, spastic laugh comes to mind-bony shoulders shaking like an earthquake, upending any burgeoning anger before it can even form-and Nakamaru reconsiders, “At least it’s not as bad as with Taguchi.”

#37 - Lies
“Do you love me?” Kame asks, not for the first time, and Nakamaru answers “no” reflexively, comfortably, and also not for the first time-how about now? no. how about now? no. Okay… now? no; it goes on until Kame frowns, lips pursed and eyes confused, “how can you resist for so long?” and Nakamaru shrugs and answers reflexively, comfortably, “I’m a good liar.”

#38 - Forever
In 2014, Kame jokes about being together until death do them part-to which Nakamaru scoffs, hard- and in 2020, the world comes to an end-briefly, at least; in 2020, Nakamaru discovers that digging out of one’s grave is harder than it looks, especially with decaying zombie limbs, and when he surfaces at last, he finds an equally dead Kame grinning down at him and he can only stare- “seriously?”- and wonder at how the cosmos are adamant about proving Kame right.

#39 - Overwhelmed
His manager drives him to an amusement park where he gets off and expects to be welcomed by a foreign reporter and a cloud of hovering cameras, but instead there’s only Yucchi, standing in front of the gates with two bags of cotton candy, a grin, and a gentle, teasing, surprise; they play games and Kame wins Nakamaru a fluffy Donald Duck which he carries under his arm, not the least bit embarrassed; they ride the pirate ship until Nakamaru gets queasy and they challenge each other to the roller coaster, laughing at each other’s screams; when the sky darkens to a deep, perfect, purple, they climb onto the ferris wheel and as Kame watches the lights flicker below like a dozen precious gems, he feels Nakamaru’s fingertips brush at the corner of his eye, and the thank you catches in his throat.

#40 - Whisper
The voices drift from one table to the next, spilled carelessly like red wine on a white tablecloth-is that Kamenashi? who though he’d come here? doesn’t he think he’s too good for this place? I heard he chased away his group member? I’d hate to work with him-and Nakamaru can hear it as he chews, knows Kame can hear it too as he stares at his untouched plate with his face flushed and his head bowed; he looks up when Nakamaru sets down his napkin and tells the waiter to bring their bill-“a-are we leaving? I’m sorry-” and Nakamaru shakes his head and smiles with an edge he can’t contain, “they’re right, you know; you’re too good for them.”


nakame, drabble

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