thank goodness for semicolons; they're the best, see

Nov 08, 2014 22:19


#11 - Midnight
Nakamaru feels a hand squeeze around his fingers just as the countdown comes to momentous end, the entire dome bursting into a collective Happy New Year, and a quick glance to the side where Kame is bright and crackling like fireworks tells him that yes, this one will be amazing.

#12 - Temptation
Nakamaru is in the middle of explaining the research behind his thesis when he realises that Kame is strangely focused, Ueda having drifted off into snores beside him minutes ago, and when he asks what? Kame’s cheeks tinge red and he looks away, mumbling something about sexy glasses.

#13 - View
“What, you think I wanted to debut with Yamapi too?” Kame hisses at him, as vicious as a wounded, frightened child left out in the cold and Nakamaru sighs tiredly, “Yes, and my nose is as small as a button,” because really, it should be obvious by now; Kame blinks at him like he’s been thrown a curve ball and slowly, a shaky smile appears.

#14 - Music
Nakamaru steps through the door and is at once ensconced by candlelight and a pair of arms that drag him into the center of the living room where they wrap around his waist, urging him to sway along; the flames flicker and in the silence of the apartment, they find the right rhythm between their heartbeats.

#15 - Silk
There’s a tap on his back and Kame catches the offending hand, feels the familiar softness of the palm and smiles as he says without turning around, Nakamaru.

#16 - Cover
“So you see, the primary example of the globalisa-” Nakamaru is presenting his thesis to an audience of first years when he notices a student sitting at the very back of the lecture hall, wearing thick black frames and a purple-brimmed hat Nakamaru had bought him two years ago, and finds himself walking into the podium, “-ouch.”

#17 - Promise
They share touches and kisses-some chaste, some not-in what little secrecy they have left and when they leave the dark and Kame reaches for his hand, Nakamaru feels everyone’s gaze, hears their whispers, and the panic makes him pull away; he doesn’t dare to meet the hurt in Kame’s eyes and he reminds himself that he had never promised anything in the first place.

#18 - Dream
Kame dreams of conquering the world, of going places Nakamaru can’t even imagine, while Nakamaru dreams of graduating with decent grades and making his dad proud; years later, Kame comes up to him and says, you’re done with yours, now help me with mine and Nakamaru starts to think a little bigger, lets Kame’s dream suddenly become his own.

#19 - Candle
The power outage is abrupt, casting them in a darkness so deep that he can hear Ueda tripping and cursing on the other side of the room, and he tries to keep calm and find his way to the door when he hits something-“Well then,” Taguchi crows with an emergency candle in hand, the glow weak yet bright enough to give everyone a clear view, “taking advantage of our youngest, Nakamaru?”

#20 - Talent
“As expected from a star,” Nakamaru says solemnly when Kame, by sheer stroke of being Kamenashi Kazuya, sends the entire line up of moms and grandmas into titters with a small wave at the supermarket; Nakamaru doesn’t miss the skip in his step at the comment and he smiles to himself, knowing that making Kame happy with something so simple is a talent of itself.


nakame, drabble

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