Oh geez...what a week!

Oct 24, 2004 00:26

Wow. I never knew that a week could go from being so crappy to so good within hours of it's self. Should I start with the good or bad stuff that went on this week? I think I'll start with the bad so I don't go to bed crying, but in a good mood.

Community council: As much as I love it and love helping people and being involved with it, I'm so sick of it. The people on it are acting like high schools and the drama is pissing me off. About a week ago, one of the members said something about no one on campus having to deal with cancer and I jumped all over him. I am sorry but in college, you don't know people as well and you have be careful what you say. Then we had homecoming and some people are on power trips. Ok people, this is collge. We have more people to oversee and more programs to organize on a larger scale and we can't do everything by ourselves. We have to work together. Our meeting on Thursday took an hour and a half and I was so sick of everyone saying the same thing over and over and over again. I think they got sick of me calling for a vote, but it needed to be done. I am so glad I get to meet with Mike this week cause I need to get some of this off my chest and everything.GRRRRRR!

M & M cookie buddy: I hate him!!! Well, not really, but I'm voluntarily not talking to him for a while and I think that that's for the best. After talking to him the other night...almost a week ago now...I've realized a lot of things that I told him later in an e-mail. I've realized that to him and other people who will remain nameless, I'll always be Jean's little sis and that he and I are better as friends, if even that. I told him that he needs to stop telling me "We'll see" when I ask him if he wants to hang out cause I know that he really means, "No, but I'm not going to tell you that so I don't hurt you." If any guys are reading this, here's a piece of advice: If you don't want to hang out with a girl, just tell her no instead of telling her "we'll see" and getting her hopes up. So I told him that I was going to stop talking to him for a while, which I think at this point is for the best. So here's my good-bye:
M & M cookie buddy: I'll never forget the hockey game and you "protecting" me from the pucks or dinner afterwards at Big Boys. I'll never forget how you said good-bye to me that night and made my heart melt. I'll never forget our conversations on-line or my card party and you dancing like a chicken in my kitchen. I'll never forget the countless smiles you brought to my face or the way I can't help but laugh and smile everytime I eat an M & M cookie. But at the same time, I understand everything a lot clearier now and I know you may be mad at me for my e-mail the other night, but I need to explain those things. So I guess this is good-bye. I don't want it to be, but unless you think otherwise, I guess it is for a while.

Homecoming (SHS and GVSU's):
GVSU's: I went to Laker Quizbowl and Spirit Relay. It was a good bonding experience between the council memebers and everyone that was there. I really enjoyed the Quizbowl esp the final rounds. Mike was quite a ham. Right Melissa? ; p The Spirit Relay was loads of fun. Who had the fastest time in the puzzle? The Ni-hi-fry!!! AWW YEAH! Gotta love being the smart kids! 1:45! Fastest time!!! Gotta love the 2 minutes in penalties cuase my chin sucks and I can't hold an apple with it.
SHS: Wow. What an emotional day. I went back to visit with O'brien and Bedell. It was hard talking to O'Brien cause we are both very emotional and she didn't know about my dad, only that he was sick, didn't know about the rest, so I had to fill her in. That was so hard for me to do. Once again, I ended up crying in her room. That makes 5 straight years that I've cried in there. Then I visited with Bedell. We had some interesting conversation and I clued her in on some stuff that she was confused about. Got some insight into the incident last year and all which was good. More about my conversation with her later. I went to the game with Joanna and Lynn later. I saw Sara P, Heather, Julie P, Gutowski, and Tiffany. It was so great to see them and everyone else that I saw. I totally miss everyone and it was so great just to be me and not have to answer any questions.

Paul and Tracy's Wedding: Congrats Paul and Tracy! Jean and I represented the family at thier wedding today, which was weird but ok. It was a really beautiful wedding and I'm so glad that they are happpy. Tracy is totally cool and I think she and Paul will be really happy togheter.

Bedell: I Love Bedell! She totally made my day on Friday! I don't know if I should put this in here, but I'm going to anyways. I gave Bedell the latest issue of the Lanthorn and she told me that she really enjoyed reading my articles. She told me, "Angela, you know. You are a really good writer. I really enjoy reading your stuff. I mean, when I read Alan's I find all kinds of mistakes, but I really enjoy reading yours. You're a really good writer." : ) <-- That's a grin from ear to ear just so you know. That totally meant the world to me because in a way, I've always wanted her approval cause she has helped me so much with journalism and as a person in general. It means so much to me that the person that I consider my mentor would tell me that. And Bedell is really picky about reporters, writers, and who's writing she enjoys, so it means all the more to me.

Ok, on that note, I'm off to bed. (Still grinning) Night everyone. Sorry so long. I'll try to keep them shorter in the future. Not making an promises though. Have a good rest of the weekend and come visit/call me next week. Crew, I'm sorry I didn't come visit much this week. Crazy busy. I'll come visit next week. I promise. Ok, night.
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