I forgot that today is talk like a pirate day.
Instead of 'friends', 'mutual friends', and 'member of' we now have 'mateys', 'mutual mates' and 'crew member of'.
Anyways, since I haven't wrote about what I've been up to with my life I figured I might as well do so. :)
I've seen three new (as in new to me) movies, which is quite impressive for me. They were
The Producers,
Crank, and
The Illusionist. Respectively they were amazing, entertaining, and so-so and I'd definately recommend the first two (the scene in the Asian market in Crank is particularly halarious :D).
Two friends of mine from university got married two weekends ago. Pictures can be found
here (including two of me in my sexy suit). While I was a little disapointed that the wedding after party died out very quickly, it was all in all a good day. During the ceremony however the minister did something weird: he pulled out a long pair of scissors. They were quite long and apparently ambidextrous, probably what a seamstress would use. Anyways, he kept talking about how both sides of the scissors need to work together equally to get the job done, and kept referring to the pivolal screw of the scissors (playing with both
definitions of pivotal). Amazingly, I didn't pick up the (assumedly) unintended innuendo there as I was too baffled by the use use of the scissors, but some of the guests had to stop themselves from laughing out loud. ^_^
I did manage to catch a few shows at the local
jazz & blues festival, the best of which was
The Love Dogs on Saturday night. The whole place was full of energy and everybody was dancing up a storm. After the show ended around 2:30 a bunch of us went to this one woman's place for an after party. I've never been there before, but apparently she throws amazing parties and after being there I'd believe it. Her apartment is perfect for large parties (over 50 people), as there are lots of corners for groups of people to hang around. Several of the bands from the festival were there, and around 3:30 a bunch of volunteers from the festival showed up with several crates of left-over liquor. God, when I left at 6 in the morning the party was still in full swing. ^_^
Oh god... I just noticed that the button for posting your update says "Update Captain's Log". *groans*