Jan 12, 2006 21:11
You know...sometimes i look back and think "what happened to her?" when was the moment that things changed? or was it gradual? Was there a single instant to make her loose everything she had going? And what exactly, has changed? Who sees it? Just those closest to her? but isnt family close? it certainly doesnt seem that they see it. What about friends? Some certainly know. And those who dont...do you really call those people friends? Who exactly are her friends anways? What if they know but they dont ask more than she offers, or check up on her the next day? Does that mean they really dont care? Or maybe they are scared to bring it up. But if someone confides in you, does it not mean they want to talk about it. This confidence pleas out for help, does it not? Or maybe they see as their one time conversation as their "contribiution." And i'm sure thats true. Even a little bit of talking is better than none. But i'm not sure that's really enough. Though i guess talking and exhuasting all the subjects maybe isnt worth it. Maybe that makes it worse. Who knows...Not that this nor anything else seems to really matter anymore. It seems that if you loose one thing, the other soon follow suit until there's not much left to hold on to.