The State of the Scooterbird

Sep 26, 2008 16:14

There's been a flurry of adding and being added on this journal recently, mostly due to my work with the Rude Mechanicals in Julius Caesar. The last two nights of that play are tonight and tomorrow night at a darkened shoe box with seats DC Arts Center on 18th St. NW; details are here. There are some excellent actors and performances in this production, and I'm in it, too. So please come, yes yes.

Anyway, with so many new folks showing up, I thought I'd give some quick updates and such.

For the new folks: this journal is where I have my "I has a kitteh" posts about life in general. I moved a lot of stuff off of here due to the Great Strikethroughs and such. My list of interests went here, my more substantial thoughts went to The Hidden Message, and I had this journal when I was the head of the Green Party. I operate my own company and, in a sense, my own church, and I even have an entry on Wikipedia, rah rah. Also, I have a podcast on matters political; it's called The Secret Frequency and you may find it here; listen online or download it to your favorite mp3 player.

I have filters about soccer, baseball, the Green Party, spirituality (and religion, Christianity, the church, etc.), and - how you say - teh SECKS. You can opt into any of them at any time you want; drop a note and lemme know.

As for more recent doings, my sister is all better, but Kid-2 is now quite sick and at the doctor with the Rude Mechanical Plague. She is, however, determined to limp her way through the performance tonight. (You should hear the message she left on my phone. I teared up. I'm such a dad.) Tonight and tomorrow, as mentioned, are the shows, and I've just learned that I will be expected to come in to Union Station on Sunday at 0330 (that is not a typo) to do an off-hours install. Someone else please hire me now. Or better yet, hire my company (link above), which is, okay, me, but could be more if desired. Kid-1's Homecoming is on Saturday, and on Monday, she will be undergoing her surgery.

This is gonna be a hell of a weekend.
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