4 days....

Jun 10, 2005 15:45

so thursday was awesomely fun....kate monster did come over to my house and we swam. and hung out. we took some pics for a rat...which my lub, i have yet to send...i will this weekend i promise. and dont worry about "the yelling". its ok. both of you in bad moods together wasnt a good idea. I LUB YOU!

last night was fun too. yam came over and we swam, then after swimming in the ran and messing with the little goat babies, we ate pretty much everything in mi casa. then we decided that karaoke was a good idea. so...we busted it out. yes...dancing around like fols and screamming the words to awesome country songs is quite enjoyable :)

and now im at the yams house and we are sitting here doiung nothing. we are gonna eat chinese at her g-mas tonight...it shall be fun. i love her g-ma.

so i decided that on tuesday...im going to the pioneer house with anne my family and possibly annes mom. we are going to eat shrimp all night and sing karaoke :) what a birthday that will be :D if you guys dont have anythhing to do...then come to the pioneer house tuseday night around 7. all you can eat shrimps for $13.99, and karaoke. some ppl (like me) are actually good!!!!!

ok...that is all.

LOVE YOUS!!!!!!!

2 more days of school!!! YAY!
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