Clark happens upon Xander thinking by the waterfall about his conversation with Jill during Truth Plot. They talk about it, which makes Xander feel better, before they accidentally fall into the water. This creates an awkward, almost 'drank the water' moment. When Clark pulls back, Xander starts to babble as his defense mechanism and mentions the use of a super power he's not supposed to know about, then comes completely clean, which ends in a freaked out, canon-trampled Clark and a miserable Xander.
The fact that Xander was at the waterfall wasn't exactly odd. At times, he felt like he spent more time there then at the compound, swimming and hanging out with his friends. No, the odd thing about Xander being at the waterfall at that moment, was the fact that he wasn't in the water, or even dressed for swimming. He was sitting crossed legged on a rock by the pool's edge, head resting in on an arm propped up by his elbow on his leg.
And thinking. The truth bug thing had been days ago, but the things Jill had said were still fresh in his mind. She was jealous. Jealous of the time he spent with his friends, because she happened to think they were prettier or smarter or more fun then she was, no matter how much time he spent with her as well or told her otherwise. Xander just...didn't have any idea what to make of that. He hadn't even realized it was this bad. And he had no idea what to do about it.
So he sat, thinking and staring at the calming sight of the waterfall.
Clark was out for a walk when he found Xander. He waited for a few moments to see whether or not Xander would notice him and when he did it, he joined him and said, "Penny for your thoughts?"
"Girl trouble." He said instantly before turning his head back to the waterfall after giving Clark a small, half-hearted smile in greeting. "That truth thing that was going around? It got to Jill."
"What happened," Clark asked, his brows raised. This? Could not possibly end in good. Being compelled to tell the truth sucked.
Xander sighed and threw a rock he'd been fumbling with in his free hand into the pool, breaking the calm surface. "I found out she's jealous. Of Chloe and Lois. She thinks they're prettier and funnier and just better then her. And then she doesn't believe me when I say I think all of those things about her and they are just my friends."
"That's a girl thing, though," Clark replied with a shrug. "I mean, I can see how it might upset her. How do you feel about her hanging out with Tim and Bart?"
"I don't care. She's training with them. It's like..." He was about to say when Buffy trained with Angel but nope, there had been jealously going on there, but not like this! "Doesn't matter. I guess the thing that bothers me the most is that, she thinks I'm this great guy, who deserves better then her."
Clark's brow furrowed. He knew how that felt. After all - hadn't he stayed away from Lana at some point for the same reasons? Wasn't that half the reasons for why he hid who he was from everyone? Because they deserved better than to bear the burden of his secret? Clark glanced away. " there for her," he replied. "That's all anyone can ask for."
Xander sighed. "Yeah, I know. It's what I'm doing. I just...I wish she'd realize that all the things she thinks about Lois and Chloe, I see in her. That she's more of a woman then I ever though I would deserve myself." Yeah, there was self doubt in there, but it was sincere self-doubt. Jill deserved better then him and sometimes, he wished she would see it in herself. Not that he wanted to lose her...just so she would see her how he did.
"So...she feels like she's not good enough for you, and you feel like you're not good enough for her?" Clark glanced back at Xander wearing that 'wtf' expression on his face.
"Basically? Yeah. That's about the pickle we've got ourselves into." Xander said with a sort, sad laugh.
"You guys are ... kind of stupid," Clark replied, with a soft grin. "How can two people feel so undeserving at the same time?"
Instead of being offended, Xander just chuckled. "Takes talent I guess." Then he shook his head. "Have you met Jill? She's...beautiful and strong and smart and charming. She's...amazing. I really don't understand why she can't see it. Me? I can barely tie my shoes without tripping over my feet."
"Don't sell yourself short, Xander," Clark replied. "She wouldn't dig you if she didn't think you were worth it."
Xander look up at Clark, an unsure look plain in his eyes. "I wonder about that sometimes. I guess being friends with a slayer and witch does that to a guy."
"I can see that," he replied. "I think you're a lot stronger than they are, though."
Coming from one of his best friends on the island, who also happen to be a young Superman, that meant a lot to Xander. He couldn't help a small smile. "Thanks man."
"I just think someone who can stand up and fight along side people with powers for the sake of his friend's welfare," Clark added, "is powerful in his own right." Clark shrugged, though, tilted his head to the side and laid his head against his knees. "Don't sell yourself short. I'm sure your friends would say the same thing."
Unable to help himself, Xander ducked his head bashfully for a moment before looking back at Clark. His movement put their heads about the same level, Xander's leaning on his hand, Clark's on his knees. "Your word's good enough for me."
Clark chuckled and nudged Xander playfully, though with more force than he intended and he lost his balance, his eyes widening and grabbing onto Xander as he slipped in. Just great, he thought, as he tumbled into the water.
Seeing Clark lose his balance, Xander had reached out to steady him. This only ended up in them grabbing each other as they fell into the water. A moment later, Xander popped his head up, coughing and sputtering, though his hand was still wrapped around Clark's arm.
"You okay," Clark asked, his brows raised, hoping to catch his breath as quick as possible. "You're not hurt or anything, right?"
Xander coughed one more time while shaking his head, sending water droplets everywhere. "Yeah," he croaked, before swallowing and trying again. "Yeah, I'm fine. You?" He looked up at Clark finally, just then realizing how close they were.
"Good," Clark replied between pants, his chest puffing in and out. He chuckled a bit, ruffling his hair. He stared at Xander for a few moments, and cleared his throat. "This is a little awkward," he whispered. "Or is it just me?"
"What?" Xander would never admit it under penalty of death, but he'd been staring at Clark's chest as he breathed heavily. His voice snapped him out of and he looked up, before blushing slightly. "Oh yeah, uh kind of..." Yet he didn't move...
There's a moment. A defining moment when everything changes. Clark, as thick as he is, knows that this is one of them. When everything changes - and like the Clark Kent he is - Clark doesn't do anything. He freezes. No words slip past his lips, and he does not move. Instead, he's locked in time at the potential implications of this moment.
It was quiet. And with Xander Harris within earshot, that was a rare occurrence. Very rare. Because he too, felt the moment change. Change into something he really didn't want to think so he found something to distract himself. Clark's chest. Clark's eyes...Clark's lips. He stared for a moment as he licked his own.
"We should probably get out of here," Clark replied. "We might get sick." His voice quiet, but not quite a whisper.
"Yeah," Xander said but didn't move, or even think about what either of them were saying. He took a step towards Clark, bringing them closer together, moving automatically.
The inclination was to lean in, as one does in these types of situations, but Clark quickly pulled back before any damage could be done. After all, Xander was with Jill. Clark's face flushed and brushed his fingers through his hair.
In some part of his mind, Xander had been expecting that same thing. So when Clark pulled back, he blinked in surprise then his expression turned to one of embarrassment as to what had almost happened hit him. Like a ton of bricks. To hide his embarrassment and shame, since he'd just been talking about Jill then turned around and...oh so not thinking about it. "Wow, that was a fast pull back. Almost seemed like you used some of your super speed there. Not that there was anything to pull back from, no siree. Just us getting out of the water." He babbled nervously, his usual defense mechanism.
Clark visibly grew smaller and took a step back, his brow furrowing, with an expression that seemed like someone had punched him in the gut. "W-what?"
The small sound of Clark's voice was what made Xander turn to him in concern, not even realizing what he had said. "Clark? Are you okay?"
"Why did you say that?" All of those paranoid feelings came rushing back and he did not like them one bit. It made him think of Lex.
Xander shook his head. "Say what? Clark I..." Suddenly his brain caught up with his mouth and he gasped, "Oh shit..." He turned panicked eyes up at Clark. "I'm sorry Clark, I...uh..."
"I have to go," Clark replied. "I just." He shook his head and started off. "I have to go."
"No, Clark wait..." Xander wadded towards him and grabbed his arm. "Please, let me explain. I should have from the very beginning but..." He bit his lip, his upset clear in his entire body language. "I didn't think it was my place and then we became friends and I didn't have the heart to tell you. Please," he begged now, "don't go...just hear me out."
Clark shook his head. "I just." He kept walking. "I'll talk to you later. I need some time to think."
There was a tense moment as Xander watched Clark climb out of the water and start to walk away. Finally, he made a split second decision and began to talk.
"Your name is Kal El. Your an alien from Krypton. The yellow sun gives you superpowers, like strength, speed, heat &x-ray vision, super hearing, flight and probably more that I'm forgetting." He had no idea how Clark was going to take all this, or even if the other teenager would ever speak to him again, so he kept going, wanting Clark to at least have heard all of this from him. It was the least he could do at this point. "When you grow up, you become a superhero named Superman. The superhero of all superheros. Your battles with Lex Luthor are the definition of good vs evil. I...I grew up reading about you. In comic books. Your a pop culture icon who has inspired kids for generations. And look, I realize that after I just kind of shattered your whole world you most likely never are going to want to speak to me again, I just want to tell you that I...I only thought of you as Superman the first day I met you. Then, you became my best friends. And I'm sorry...I'm so so sorry." He slumped back against one of the large boulders bordering the pool, oddly tired from the outpouring of babble, his shoulders hunched in shame.
His chest felt heavy and his heart was pounding. Clark couldn't process anything right now, all of it was just too much for it to really sink in. Stunned and incapable of forming speech, Clark just backed away. "I have to go." And then he was.
Xander groaned as he hugged his arms around himself and slid down under water, clothes and all. The cold water had nothing on how completely awful he felt...