May 31, 2008 21:54
To say Xander was nervous was an understatement.
He kept pacing the small clearing where he'd asked Spike to meet him. It had taken him a while to talk himself to even bid on Spike at the auction, but he knew that he'd never get the opportunity, or work up the nerve, to ask the ex-vampire this otherwise. It was kind of embarrassing in a way, that Spike was the only person he felt comfortable asking this of, but that's how it was.
Still, he was afraid Spike wouldn't want to do it and just laugh in his face. It was...kind of pathetic really, but then what else was new for him right? Just add it to the ever growing list. The worst Spike could do was laugh after all. Or tell Buffy. Oh yeah, telling Buffy was worse.
He was getting himself so worked up that he almost chickened out a couple times, but at the moment, he was just pacing and hoping Spike would just hurry up already.