Yes, we're just about a week out from Mixology Monday, BOURBON!
The scofflaws here at the Den come from a strong bourbon background so it seemed to be an easy choice for me to make when hosting.
Now, here's the real question: what do we want to see from you?
Well, anything bourbon related of course!
There's a fondness, of course, for the traditional drinks, but I always like seeing what random things the brilliant people out there come up with. For instance, Todd Thrasher's "Smoker's Delight" at PX in Alexandria has bourbon and tobacco in it....
The site migration is taking more time than we thought, so when you have posted (by midnight, Monday, June 16th), send an e-mail to seanmike - at - scofflawsden - dot - com.
You can also post a comment here off of this post (or any other post done by
runoknows after this time) but I'd prefer the e-mail. Include your name, a link to your post, and your drink.
I'll compile them and get them up ASAP.
See you soon!