Looky what the postman left for me today . . .

Jun 04, 2008 18:59

AH-HA!!!  I finally have the elusive Angostura Orange bitters!  Wooo-Hoooo!!!!

I'm afraid that I won't be able to post much about them until next week.  The Scofflaw's are taking a well deserved three day weekend to the beach.  But as soon as I get back, I plan on doing a tasting between the three types of orange bitters I now have, Regan's #6, Fee's and the Angostura.  I'm sure if my co-hort Sean wants to join in the tasting that can be arranged.  I can't wait!!!

If you're wondering how the new site is coming, well . . . its coming.  That's about all I can say for now.  But rest assured that Sean is working on getting it up and running and then you'll see a marked uptake in posts from us.  We still have lots of fun stuff planned and I, for one, can't wait to get started!

See you at the bar!


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