May 22, 2005 15:00
A couple weeks ago, my mom started making a scrapbook filled with pictures, report cards, special event cards, tickets from sporting events, etc. It started at Kindergarten and ends with Grade 12. It not only shows me how I've grown physically, but it also points out the change in mentality over the years. I remember being so conservative in everything I did. I wasn't a big risk taker, and I wasn't confident enough with myself to do something that was "against the rules" or "not good etiquette". Most importantly, I wasn't confident in myself. If something didn't go my way, I used to look down on myself and focus on how I screwed up. That's obviously not the way to be, but I know certain people (young and old} who constantly do this to themselves. If there is any advice I can give to people growing up, it's definitely BELIEVE IN YOURSELF AND HAVE SELF CONFIDENCE.
I've accomplished so much more in my life since I started believing I could do whatever I wanted. Sometimes you just have to be cocky. However, you need to do it internally only, because no one wants to talk to someone who is full of themselves. No matter the uphill incline, always believe that you can climb it, no matter how much energy it may take. If you don't have this self-confidence, the world will eat you right up. Whether it's getting good grades in college, finding a job, or asking out a girl...confidence in oneself is always going to be key for success. Believe in yourself, that's all I really want to say. I guess when I realize something in my life, I feel the need to write it down?
If I wasn't confident and positive at a few times in my life, I don't think I'd be the same person I am today. I learned how to take the good with the bad, because I finally realized how much better the "good" is if you experience tons of anxiety and pain a.k.a. the "bad". I've learned to be patient, because the longer one waits for something good, the better it will be when the time comes. It's normal to stray from these ideas, and get involved in other things...but it's all about how you find your way back to the path. It's about how you deal with the obstacles in life and how you overcome everything standing in your way of that "perfect" life. But, who's to say what the "perfect" life is? No one can describe it, because it's different for everyone. However, you will reach this point in life when you learn to love yourself before you love anything else. If you are confident with the direction your life is headed, and you have people/things around you that you love, everything is perfect. Finding that someone that makes you happy, makes you feel like you're the best in the world, and makes you feel like you can do anything is very important. Loving is the greatest possible emotion/action/feeling one can possibly feel. Don't overlook the person if they are right under your nose. When you love, nothing else seems to matter. There is always going to be downfalls in life, but dealing with them in the correct way is truly what it is all about. But always remember, even the BEST fall down, sometimes. You have one life and one life only. Remember that as you live out your days here. You'll see what I mean.
If someone makes you feel different than any other person, it's special. Don't ignore it, fight for her/him. Don't waste time, what if they don't wait around forever, and you lose them? If not now, when?
That's all for now.
Enjoy what's left of the last May you'll ever live in 2005.
Take care,
- SE
And please, don't say "I love you" to someone if you aren't completely sure you know the words are true. You'll know when they are, and if you aren't sure yet, then you don't mean it. "Love" and Love are two COMPLETELY different things.
"Love does not begin and end the way we seem to think it does. Love is a battle, love is a war; love is a growing up." - - James Baldwin
It's best when the girl you love is your best friend, you've been through unique things different from other couples, and you can literally do anything in front of them - yet they'll still love you.