Quick break...

Dec 13, 2005 16:12

Just thought I'd take a quick break from writing my Gothic Lit essay to inform people of something.
Looks whos birthday it is today!

Yep you guessed it (or parhaps just clicked the link... or even just read down one line...), Dick Van Dyke is 80 (YES THATS RIGHT! 80!) today!

Also I found this news report on the Doctor Who christmas special quite interesting, more so the tiny bit on the cybermen at the end.

lol Just noticed this on the bbc website too.

"Dick Van Dyke is celebrating his 80th birthday today.

To mark the occasion - and as a sure sign that the holidays must be just around the corner - the Monitor hereby announces the Dick Van Dyke Challenge.

The rather odd Cockney accent that Van Dyke employed in Mary Poppins stands alone in cinematic history (Wikipedia says it is "still often cited as the worst attempt at a British accent by an American actor"). So as a tribute, we are inviting your impersonations.

Simply ring us on 020 8225 8247, listen to the message, and leave your impersonation. Please make sure you tell us your name, town/city, and a phone number we can contact you on. (If you're a bit flash, you can send us an MP3. Send it to the.magazine@bbc.co.uk, subject line DICK VAN DYKE.)

If you want some ideas of things to say, see this page of IMDB for quotes - Van Dyke played Bert.

All being well, we will publish the best here tomorrow.


Oh and a final point on the console gaming front.
The Xbox360 doesnt appear to be doing well at all over in Japan, even with Sony's PS3 and the Nintendo Revolution a while off. HA I laugh in the face of all consoles! My kingdom for a mouse and keyboard!

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