Mar 18, 2004 17:37
Today a white cat from our neighborhood got stuck on our porch roof. I saw her as I left for school this morning, and since she was still there when I got back four hours later, we decided to get it down. Poor Christy, the cat just about took her arm off as she carried it down the ladder! It meowed this really pathetic meow that was almost like a child's scared cry. Hopefully, it'll figure out not to climb up there again.
Yesterday I was telling Nicole how I asked Renae the Manager to drop one of my shifts and Renae may be dropping my Wednesday shift. Nicole was quite upset. She said she really likes working with me and will talk to Renae about it. That was total warm fuzzies for me. I've got this kind of terminal inferiority complex that always has me thinking that I'm not the best person to work with. Anyway, it also was cool because I don't want to lose my Wednesday shift. It's my longest shift, which means it'd be the greatest loss, and it's also the least stressfull! Now, if I could drop my Sunday shift, which is a mere 5 paid hours (Wednesday is 6 1/2), that'd rock.
Know what Mr. Flickinger suggested to me yesterday? He still wants to do Schubert's "The Almighty" for Chorale (in which I had a solo), but since I'm not practicing with them, he wants me to be a "guest soloist" for Tour: meaning I'd only practice with them two or three times and then go on Tour with them. I'm really tempted. I was really going to miss Tour--it's the most fun anybody can have riding a bus for five days straight! And they're going to the school where my grandpa taught in Kansas! On the other hand, I would be missing three days of work and I'd get absolutely no homework done. (yes, I know, that's not too much of a difference, but still...) So I'll call my parents and discuss it a bit. I also want to talk to the members of the Executive Committee, since there were some reservations and I'd like to hear them before I make any kind of decision.
Speaking of music, I've got the last two songs for my Senior Recital, bringing the total up to twelve. For English, I've got "Love's Philosophy," "The Monk and His Cat," "The Crucifixion," "The Black Swan," and "Summertime." For French, I've got "Dans le Ruines d'une Abbaye" and "Chanson d'Amour." For German, I have "Bescheidene Liebe" and "Mignon." Then a Latin Vivaldi piece, and two Italian pieces: "Spirate Pur, Spirate" and "Porgi Amor." All I have to do now is find a duet piece for me and my dad! ::considers pieces:: Only four of them aren't love songs. Yeesh. At least only one of them is about suicide. ::evil grin::
"Bescheidene Liebe" made me laugh, 'cause it's all about how I'm not like other girls who go around crying and moaning and anguishing about their boyfriends.