(no subject)

Oct 06, 2003 22:02

Two months and my mind is still doing weird things to me.

A coupla weeks ago, I bought one of my course books that I'd not been able to find online. I put it down outside the bookstore (which is in the student center) and went and did something else and totally forgot about the book.

Over the course of the last few weeks, I realized I didn't have that book and that I'd bought it but forgot it and kept thinking to go and ask after it at the bookstore and at lost and found, but forgot every time I was in the student center.

Today I finally picked the stupid thing up.

Dratted concussed brain.

On another note, we took choir pictures today, and since the picture lady wanted to take photos of Z directing (always interesting), we ended up singing through L'dor Vador three times. Which was wonderful because I got my solo right every time and am really starting to get used to it. I like getting used to songs, 'cause then I can really have fun.

And then, when I got home, May was back and she had her other cat with her. An enormous six-year-old white and tabby cat named Pierre. I was a bit worried for Xander, but it seems that Pierre is a big sissy and is currently hiding under the easy chair in the living room. He hisses at Xander, but Xander just bristles and stares at him like "what on earth is wrong with you?"

S'pose I ought to go finish my homework. Bleh.

continuing saga of (blank), cats, choir

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