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Jul 02, 2011 14:32

Shoo-fly pie is very interesting.  The bottom is gooey, the middle is fluffy, and the top is crumbly.  And it isn't as sweet as you'd expect.  That's probably down to all the molasses.  The recipe I got totals 1 1/2 cups of dark molasses, which is bitter on its own.  And I need a larger pie pan, as mine is 9" and the recipe calls for 10".  I got all the filling into mine, but only just.  It bubbled up pretty high as it baked.

But it's good.

(Also, it makes sense now I think about it, but I hadn't considered that byproducts aren't necessarily like the thing they're made from.  Buttermilk isn't thick and heavy.  Molasses has a strong flavor but isn't terribly sweet.  Huh.)

food, yay

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