Feb 02, 2011 19:42
So I wimped out and worked from home today. Went pretty well, actually. It is astonishingly cold out, but it was also sunny, which means it was astonishingly cold and blindingly bright. Did some essential shopping over lunch: at one point, I was coaxing my car down a relatively steep bit of drive, doing what I could not to end up sideways, and was delighted by the chivalry of a guy in a very large truck who let me cut in front of him so that I didn't have to stop (and slide) longer than I had to.
Working from home, though... word is, we'd get company computers (more importantly, company dual monitors) with full functionality once working from home comes to pass. The way I see it, it would be going from a cube to a corner office. I'd have sunlight, privacy, my own music...
Found a recipe for chili that makes two servings. However, it calls for 1/4 lb of beef. Which leaves me looking for ways to use the other 3/4. (Well, maybe the other half, if I end up liking the chili recipe and make a second batch. But I'd get bored of it after that.)
I just finished my taxes. Know what I'm gonna do with my tax refund? PAY OFF A LOAN! ::laughs maniacally:: In person. It's cooler that way. It's also appropriate that I increased my tax refund by reporting interest paid on this very loan (one of two student loans), and the result is going to KILL THE LOAN. ::makes stabbing motions::
I hate having debt. It has its uses, and I've never been in over my head, but I'll be so glad to see it gone.