Apr 27, 2006 21:12
It has yet to be sunny enough and windy enough at the same time to fly my kite. Actually, it was today, but I had choir practice, so that didn't work.
It was Z directing this time. He's so much fun. I love how he gets this really intense look on his face during the pieces, how the whole of him gets caught up in the music and leads the choir right after. I've met few directors easier to follow. (Dr. Eph Ehly, Z's teacher from long ago, is the only one who can beat 'im. That man electrifies a choir by his very presence, and you're not aware of it until he steps down from the podium.)
Got pretty much nothing done at work today. Kept getting interruped by this publisher or that customer about their orders. There was the Random House lady who couldn't figure out why our purchasing card wasn't going through, and the guy who wanted to check on his order of a book on German Medieval Swordsmanship, and a call from the Home Office about a purchase order mixup, and then this old guy who wanted a book mailed.
And then I had an hour in the cafe, which wasn't really all that bad, especially when this little boy of about four years old came up and started showing me stuff in his I Spy book. It was so darn cute! His dad was sitting a bit away, watching, and smiling embarressedly. But to me, all little boys are my nephew, and I can't help but be enchanted.
Need to call Robyn. It's been awhile again. Weird how time just slips away when you're not noticing.