Swiped from Selesa Malyndar!

Jun 22, 2008 12:43

the idea is you reply to this, and I give you 5 questions to put in your journal to answer.

1) What do you want your tombstone to say?
- Here Lies Matthew Ross Spencer. Loved By His Family. Remembered By His Friends.
More importantly, I want it to be true, more than anything.

2) What is the worst imaginable thing?
- Honestly? I think Alzheimer's is just about the worst thing i can possibly imagine happening to a person. Forgetting everyone and everything you ever knew is just a terrifying prospect, that you would go on living but never remember your life.

3) If you could have any one thing you wanted, what would it be?
- The ability to always know what the -right- thing to do in a situation is.

4) Do the current politics make you angry?
- You know, they could be a lot worse. I'm angry that 11% of the country still thinks Barack Obama is a Muslim. I'm angry that the John McCain we have now isn't the John McCain of '00. I'm angry that there is a nonzero possibility of a repeat of 2000, with one candidate getting the popular vote and one getting the actual nomination. But altogether I've been very heartened by the actions of the candidates, McCain quickly and swiftly crushing any real swiftboating of Obama by 527s, Obama declaring the DNC wouldn't take in -any- lobbyist money or some such. Its all very interesting. I only wish that McCain hadn't pushed the town halls so early, so it seemed more like a political play to force Obama to follow his lead than an honest desire to create a forum.

5) What is your favorite childhood author?
- I'm not even sure what I read as a child now that I think back on it. I was always very fond of C.S. Lewis, and they're probably the reason I got more into fantasy than anything. Timothy Zahn's Trilogy of star wars books was also a fantastic read.
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