Apr 18, 2016 19:25
Спаибо бета-тим, особенно Changsoo Eun
200% Faster deforming mesh Pprformance (New GPU Based Mesh Builder for DX11 mode)
300-400% Faster large amount of static object performance
Poly/Mesh sub-object edit performance improvement
Poly/Mesh sub-object selection performance improvement
Increased playback and interactive performance using node transform caching
GPU backface cull for deforming object
Shadow cache for better/faster shadow
DarkerEdge mode for backfacing wireframe
New viewport navigation mode : Orbit Point of Interest
Customizable viewport tooltips by preViewportTooltip callback
Per Pixel Camera Map support for nitrous
Reorganized viewport label
Viewport configuration presets
Viewport material override
Performance shader for viewport
New DX mode
Hidden/Frozen/Display as box object will not evaluate/load map
Gamma corrected background playback slowdown fixed
Viewport switching when maximized fixed
More readable viewport label
Thinner and shaper selection outline
Viewport Statistics have been realigned for larger numbers.
Faster UV editor
Faster new Non-Convex packing
Better ABF based peeling
New Freeform mode gizmo
Correct rescale element on multiple object
Move brush
Relax brush
Angle distortion visualization
Area distortion visualization
Sub-object selection preview
Point-to-point selection preview
Symmetrical geometry selection
Mirror axis visualization
New uv template
Rotate/Scale transform type in
Alt + click to erase the seam
SHIFT+Polygon for loop selection
SHIFT+Edge for ring selection
CRTL/SHIFT+ click for sub-object mode conversion
Double click polygon for element selection
Set/Select material id in uv editor
Display only selected polygon in 3d view
Material ID filter sort by id
Tiling settings for checker texture
Pack edge padding
MultiTile map
Render multi-tile UVW templtes support
Show multi-tile in UV dialog
View multi-tile in viewport
FBX import/export
pymxs : Complete Maxscript exposure to Python
MAXScript editor and listener Python language support
Include all PySide libraries
Integrate PySideUic package
Simplify API for QWidget attach
Full Native Support for Parenting/Docking Python Tools
with Redraw/Quiet/Undo/Animate/At Level/At Time On Off
Listener mode switch accept undo/redo on indicator
MAXScript type marshalling(point2, point4, quat, eulerangles,angleaxis)
Tuple from MaxScript to Python
Support multithread for Python's execution on Max
Follow standard Python sys.path Rules
Support Quad Poly on MaxPlus
Support AppData Chunk API on MaxPlus
MCG animation controllers
MCG shape/spline
Time-related nodes
Bullet physics support
OpenVDB support
New parameter types(node array, single array, vector4)
Improved bitmap support
Polygon/Element access
Creating empty arrays of specific types
100+ new operators and compounds
200%-500% Performance improvement
Improved interactive and scripted performance for modifying animation curves
Buffer Curves
Better default layout
Sticky user defined trackview (persistent between sessions and open close of TV)
Enable/disable TV Autozoom behavior
New Zoom extents mode for selected Keys
Ability to apply horizontal and vertical zoom extents at the same time
Double-click a track view curve to select all of the keys
Scale Values Improvement
Improved Key reduction performance for baked animation 60X improvement
SHIFT-click to remove keys in Add Key mode
Auto-key default frame can be any frame
New Key Editing Tools
Select Next Key
Grow Key Selection
Scale Up/Down Tangents
Mirror Tangent
Nudge: Moves keys to forward or back. Use CTRL, and SHFT as modifiers
Flatten to Average Value. Welds to average value and time
Flatten: Selected keys get same value as first selected key. CTRL Average/Shift last key value. Option to weld.
Ease to Next Key
Split: Duplicates a key and makes the time between them linear
Space Key Evenly
Relax Keys:Smooths out curve
Loop: Mirrors the last keys tangent to the first keys. (By anim range)
Motion Panel
Tracks in list controller can be made active by double clicking in the controller tree view
Empty Tracks and Assigned Controllers can be reset to their default controller type
Controllers can by copied and pasted via the right click menu in the controller tree view
Animation Controllers
Animation preset
Offset controller
MCG LookAt Constraint
MCG Ray to Surface Position Constraint
MCG Ray to Surface Position and Orientation Constraints
MCG Ray to Surface Transform Constraint
MCG 1 DOF Rotation Spring Controller
MCG 3 DOF Rotation Spring Controller
Reset to default value
Copy/paste key
Time Configuration
Rescale Time improvement: “Rescale keys to whole frames” checkbox to force quantization.
Custom Attributes
Pen Attribut Holder style load/save presets of CA via Parameter Editor
Unlimited morph target
Geodesic voxel solver
Heatmap solver
Holding SHIFT for paint/blend weights mode change
Qt based UI
HiDPI compatible UI
New icons and color scheme.
New Renderer ART
Physical material
Physical Sun & Sky
Sun Positioner
Noise filter
Scene converter
Color map
Shape map
Text map
TextureObjMask map
Scanline Renderer
Better Scanline multi-core support (up to 128 core)
Mental Ray
Carve library based new boolean object
Boolean explorer
Nested boolean
New Local Aligned Coordinate
Place Pivot Surface : Direct access working pivot from quadmenu
Sub-Object selection loop preview in epoly
Override subobject pick in epoly
Point to Point selection/preview
New bevel method for Bevel Profile modifier
Mesher Particle Flow 5 million face limit removed
Manipulate Text mode
Values as strings
Advanced bevel with Bevel Profile editor
Large text window
Modifier Stack
Copy/Paste modifiers to multiple objects at once.
.Obj poly export UV fix : safe round trip to zbrush
Performance Evaluation
Maya profiler support
State Sets
Track modifier ON/OFF in viewport and render
Expansion of Composite view to create a new node based render pass system
-Nodes can be dragged out to more easily view your State changes
-Nodes can be created from scratch for a more direct render pass management workflow without tracking/recording
-Support for basic Render Parameters, ART, Vray, Object collections, Object Properties, Material Assignment
Persistent Composite View (you no longer loose your work on close)
Track Vray VFB checkbox for better render element support with Vray
Camera Sequencer Lock Animation Parameter to allow for scaling camera animation when tracks are scaled
Return of Record button by default (can be switched back in preferences)
All docked dialogs now open in their own new tab by default
Performance mode support for any object
Proper deformation export when spacewrap applied
Any point3, float, integer support for arbitrary channel import
UV1 animation support
UV2+ vertex order fix
UV channel ID preserved
Material/Face ID preserved
Topology changing mesh does not break material ID
Object name preserved
Full MXS exposure - range, nth frame exposed
Alembic container object icon
Alembic Performance mode Force Caching option
Scene Explorer
Remember visible/frozen state of nested layers when overridden by parent layer
Child layer can not be turned on when parent layer is turned off
Nested layer sort order : layer will be at the top
Hide/Unhide all layers button
Freeze/Unfreeze All layers button
Stingray Support
Stingray live link
Stingray exporter
Simulation CFD Visualization
Import data from a Autodesk CFD using OpenVDB or csv format and visualize the velocity, temperature, and pressure in a variety of ways
Portal - Asset Management App
Creative Market Search
Print Studio Support
max history,
max 2017