Oct 24, 2010 18:58
Holy crap! I haven't posted in forever.
So, update on my 50 Book Challenge. Since my last update, I've read Lirael and Abhorsen, in the Garth Nix trilogy. The trilogy was fantastic, in case you were wondering. I also re-read HP5 and HP6 as part of mmy bid to re-read the whole series before the movie comes out. Finally, I read Catch-22, which took me a long time to get into, but once I really started reading it, it was amazing. I recommend it totally. I'm currently reading The Complete Jack the Ripper.
My life mostly consists of reading, working, cleaning, working out, and doing work with a non-profit that is working to combat human trafficking in Allegheny County. Yay. I'm also on a diet now, as I've become somewhat chubby and I'm hoping to drop maybe ten to fifteen pounds.
And... that's it. Bye!