Things happen

Sep 16, 2010 13:00

Blog, blog, blog! We’re going to write a blog!

I thought having a Bard along to sing might help me actually get round to writing something. I’m now starting to think they may be a less than great idea. Anyway.

Wit, wit, wit! We’re going to write something witty!

Yes, well. It’s been a while since I posted here, mainly because things have been crazy busy with jobs and such like thus eating into my standard lunch break writing time… Oh and I might have ran out of things to say. But now I’m feeling all chipper and stuff so I figured a run down of stuff would be good. I’ve moved from working at Traveltek to Bourne were I hope to be able to work on a number of different projects and keep learning new an interesting stuff. Or something like that. The first month or so have been hectic (in part due to me having holiday booked a week into my new role on a BIG project). Said project is still super sekrit at the moment but there will be more new about it soon.

Phone, phone, phone! Tell them about the the phone!

Ok. Yes, I got a new phone this week (finally, I’ve been due an upgrade for months). It’s a HTC Desire running Android 2.2 and first impressions are really good. Of course the day after I got it they announced the Desire HD… but what’s a guy to do? More on this theme later perhaps, but one thing I’ve found about I really love. It’s got an FM radio built in so I can listen to Radio 4 on my walk to and from the station. I was missing my daily dose of politics and stuff so that’s great.

Pope, pope, pope! We’re going to mock the pope!

Would I do that? Ok, Pope Benedict the something or other has turned up in my town, at considerable expense to us, and messed up all the transport (they’ve closed a motorway to park buses on it!). Now I’m not goign to mock him Tim Minchin does such a better job. I do find his comments about Nazis and Atheists a bit annoying, but frankly I’ve said nastier things about most religions in my time so I’ll let that pass.

Old, old, old! You’re getting.. erk

Sorry about that, my bard would appear to have swallow his lute, I wonder how that happened. Cough. Anyway, yes, it’s my birthday again soon. I’ll be (let me check) yup, 21 on the 9th of October and will probably have some sort of party type thing. Thoughts on what to do anyone?

Cough, cough, cough! We’re going to fall unconscious.

Persistent isn’t he? See you later folks. Hope you have fun.

Originally published at Scimons Random Thought Table. You can comment here or there.


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