Fic meme. ^.^

May 19, 2009 21:24

Wow, long time no post, huh? *grins sheepishly* Anyway, I did this meme a couple of times on my sentai journal and couldn't resist taking a detour - however brief - back into PR. ^.^ Also, I've been told I need to write Jack more often, so *shrugs*

Write 10 different categories of fic, each in 10 words or less each between 10-100 words.


Sky stared down at the shattered bracelet in his hand and wondered how he could have been so utterly wrong about Dru.


Jack stared around Atlantis, feeling a little overwhelmed. This place was nothing like the SGC, that was certain. He looked for his pair-bonded and thought that Sky was thinking along similar lines. He smiled and moved to help the scientists get all their equipment through the Chappa'ai. It looked like he and Sky were getting the fresh start they'd wanted, even if the SGC thought sending them here was a punishment.


"No," Sky said firmly. "I don't care what kind of bet you lost, I'm not doing it."

"But Sky--"

"No. Dress up like Tinky-winky on your own."


Jack cast his mind over the marketplace, looking for some trace of Sky or Bridge but found very little. They'd been here, that much was obvious, but just as obviously they weren't here anymore. He still couldn't believe Sky, of all people, had gone rogue. The Corps is Mother, the Corps is Father, and he couldn't understand how Sky could turn his back on that.

Maybe when he found him he'd get some answers.

First time

Jack didn't want to admit that he'd never actually done this before. It wasn't like he'd really had the opportunity on the streets or anything, but he had his pride, damn it, and he didn't want Syd to think he didn't know what he was doing.

In the end, though, Syd didn't seem to care.


It wasn't easy, setting up a surprise birthday without Syd getting wind of it - seriously, she had this way of knowing everything that could be kind of creepy sometimes.

The effort was more than worth it, Jack decided, to see that smile on Syd's face.


"I'm using your toothbrush."

The situation wasn't the same as the last time - thankfully - but Jack was caught just as off guard as he had been before, even though he knew perfectly well by now that Sky could be sneaky when he wanted to be.

"Fine," he grumbled, nowhere near as put out as he was pretending to be. "You're buying me a new one."


"I thought you were dead, you moron."

Jack braced himself for the punch he was sure was coming, and so he was caught off guard when Sky's mouth pressed hard against his.

"Don't you ever scare me like that again or I will kill you myself."


It wasn't fair, Jack thought mournfully. The dress uniforms, as uncomfortable as they were, looked damn good on his teammates and he kept wishing they didn't have to stick around here so long when they could be doing much more interesting things. His mind wandered at a particularly vivid mental image of Bridge sliding a gloved hand up and under Syd's skirt...

Sky stepped hard on his foot and Jack flushed, clearing his throat and keeping his eyes firmly on Cruger to ward off more distracting thoughts.


"Just kiss him already," Z advised. "It'll make things a lot easier."

"Says you," Jack muttered. "If I tried that he'd kill me. Not that I would," he added. "The stick up his butt might be contagious."

Z rolled her eyes and decided she and Syd might have to switch to Plan D.


Mike was gone. Gone between one heartbeat and the next and Leo's world would never be the same.


In retrospect, having a slightly unstable telepath as a houseguest might not have been Leo's brightest idea ever. Kai was struggling enough just adjusting to being free again instead of being just another of Scorpious Industries' psionic experiments, but the last thing Leo had expected when he suggested Kai stay with him was that his apartment would be turned completely upside down within a week.

On the other hand, he was getting really good food out of it so he supposed he could deal with Kai being a neat freak.


"Why do I have to be the decoy again?" Damon protested, resisting as Maya and Kendrix tugged him along."

"Because Kai won't agree if he's paying attention," Kendrix repeated patiently. "And we need another fairy for the play."


"I think I like him," Leo declared, draping an arm around Kai's shoulder. Kai glared at him,but didn't make any move away from the touch. Just because this Archie guy happened to look a lot like him, that was no reason for Leo to be finding this so amusing. "He's really laid back."

Kai's eyes narrowed and he flipped Leo's arm off his shoulder.

"Hey!" Leo protested, injured expression on his face. "I didn't mean it like that!"

Kai huffed and crossed his arms across his chest. He didn't care how many puppy dog eyes Leo threw his way, he was still sleeping on the couch tonight.

First time

Kai kept an eagle sharp on Leo. The man could be a walking disaster area sometimes, especially when he was this enthusiastic about something.

"You need to slow down," he said for what felt like the hundredth time. "Cooking is an art, not a contact sport."


Kendrix let out a soft sigh of contentment as Maya ran the brush through her hair.


Leo stared in numb disbelief at the sight of Kai and Mike sitting around the table in their quarters. Kai and Mike chatting wasn't anything unusual, what was unusual was the kind of conversation they were having.

"...and then, when he was seven," Mike was saying solemnly. "He--"

Leo lunged forward and slapped a hand over Mike's mouth cutting off the story before it could begin. There were times when Kai and Mike being such good friends was a distinct disadvantage.


Leo lay in bed, staring at the underside of Kai's bunk overhead, reliving over and over how exhausted Kai had looked when he and Damon had finally demorphed after their ordeal. He couldn't remember ever seeing Kai look that tired and worn down before and he never wanted to see it again. It was incredible that he and Damon had made it back to Terra Venture before collapsing.

With a sigh of frustration he climbed out of bed and clambered up the short ladder to Kai's bunk.

"Get in," Kai muttered. "Don't just stand there staring."

Leo grinned and slid under the covers.


"Oh God."

Mike slapped a hand over his eyes and backed towards the door, his free hand waving around behind him searching for the doorframe.

There were some things he really didn't need to know about his little brother and this was one of them.


Leo was the most frustrating person he'd ever met, Kai thought, punching his pillow into shape and incidentally relieving a tiny amount of the tension that had been building all day. He was positive Leo was doing it on purpose.

Kendrix finding the whole thing so funny was just adding insult to injury.

pairing: maya/kendrix, fandom: lost galaxy, pairing: jack/syd, pairing: jack/sky, genre: au, au: spd/b5: telepaths, pairing: kai/leo, genre: crossover, pairing: swat, au: sg-13, fandom: spd

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