Title: Tactility
Pairing: Blue/White
Fandom: Gaoranger
Rating: G
Episode referenced: #17
You didn't need to know Blue long before realising that he was a tactile person; whether it was expressing affection or annoyance he was constantly reaching out and touching, to greater or lesser degrees depending on who he was reacting to. So when Loki took GaoGiraffe, her fault, after all Blue had done today to try and help her, Sae didn't know what else to do except reach out and touch him, reassure him, and hope that he wouldn't pull away from her. She couldn't blame him if he did but she wouldn't have the first idea how to react to a Blue who didn't want to be touched.
Much to her relief he didn't pull away and he even managed a smile, weak though it was. He would pull through this, Sae was sure of it, and they'd get GaoElephant and GaoGiraffe back as well. Failure wasn't an option.
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