personal fic challenge

Mar 10, 2008 19:30

Alright I was board so I decided to grab the first 40 matches out of the almost totally random pairing generator, then narrow it down to my fave 20, then ask which five that you guys think I should do a SHORT drabble about. I shall pick the five with the most votes (sorting with personal preference if there is a tie)I found three more I really like and have added them.
here they are

Danny Messer / Sheldon Hawkes / one night stand.
Mac Taylor / Don Flack, Jr. / black roses
Eric Delko / Ryan Wolfe / after work
Horatio Caine / Eric Delko / rooftop
Eric Delko / Tim Speedle / unprofessional
Warrick Brown/ Nick Stokes/ leather
Horatio Caine / Ryan Wolfe / brains
Warrick Brown / Mac Taylor / not by chance
Sheldon Hawkes / Peyton Driscoll / saints and sinners
Rick Stetler / Eric Delko / late night
Mac Taylor / Lindsay Monroe / I mean it
Tim Speedle / Megan Donner / damaged
Danny Messer / Adam Ross / snowfall
Calleigh Duquesne / Tim Speedle / a real date
Natalia Boa Vista / Maxine Valera / curious
Megan Donner / Horatio Caine / multiple options
Mac Taylor / Stella Bonasera / downtown
Yelina Salas / Eric Delko / after work
Horatio Caine / Calleigh Duquesne / beginning to end
Megan Donner / Calleigh Duquesne / ghosts
Eric Delko / Frank Tripp / new beginnings
Catherine Willows / Gil Grissom / downtown
Gil Grissom / Warrick Brown / inked

challenge, fanfic

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