Fandom Assholes

Oct 28, 2009 23:34

Recent events and far to much time on Tv Tropes have lead me to decide to create this list of the types of Asshole that tend to pop in fandom. Chances are you know one of these and most of my friends list knows several examples.

Pretentious Asshole : This is the person who is the smartest person in  the fandom or at least they thinks so. They only like the show when it adheres to their high standards. They derides anyone who watches the show for silly things like ships, They  watches the show for quality drama only.  Mostly shows up in forums to complain and talk down to anyone who would dare disagree with him.
Favourite Habitat: TWOP (Hell TWOP is like the mothership for these assholes)

Shipper Asshole:  Someone who loves a ship so much they will harass, insult and sabotage anyone who so much as speaks against their ship of choice. When not writing bad fanfic these shippers often hang out with other shippers and spread vitriol.
Favourite Habitat: The shipper thread of course

Stalker Asshole: This is the person who loves a character/actor so much they are a little scary about it. They spew venom at anyone who would slight their vision of perfection from their bad onscreen girl friend to real life wives. This person obviously wants to be with their object of affection but is sometimes willing to accept a substitute in the form of another show character or Mary Sue.  Often masquerades as a Shipper Asshole but gives them self  away  by writing mountains of Self Insert fic.
Favourite Habitat: Fan Sites and IMDB

Sad Little King Asshole: This person doesn't just want to be a part of fandom they want to rule it. They are ruthless and will do anything to achieve power within fandom usually by gaining a group of followers who worship their every word. Their level of success is usually determined by how far their level of sociopathy has progressed.
Favourite Habitat: Anywhere they sense weakness

Toady Asshole: A specific flavor of Asshole  who worships a Sad Little King or occasionally the show creator or a Stalker Asshole. This is distinct from those usually sucked into these circles as they  have no real opinion of their own but simply restates others in a more obnoxious manner. Often does harassment duty for whoever they worship. Usually fairly pliable and willing to switch to a new King should one come to power.
Favourite Habitat: Being petted by their King

Troll Asshole: This person isn't interested in fandom just in the fights that surround it. They don't agree with anyone and will go out of their way to pick a fight. Usually easy to spot but can sometimes prey on weaknesses in a fandom to start full out flame wars.
Favourite Habitat: any thread marked debate or shipper

Manipulative Assholes: The sneakiest asshole of them all these people slip between the lines and spread distrust and fan flame wars. Almost impossible to catch since unlike the Sad Little King they have no outward appearance of power they slip about and try to influence as many as possible rather than being adored by a select few. Also different from a Troll in that they usually have specific goal in mind and are not usually just interested in chaos.
Favourite Habitat: anywhere and everywhere

Some might notice a similarity to TvTropes Fandum page and your right but I would also like to state that I consider this list different in two ways. 1) These are supposed to be the worst of the worst of fandum these are the folks who go beyond the usual fandum in to truly toxic territory 2) These types are probably real life assholes who are using fandom as an outlet for their dysfunctional personalities
*Disclaimer this is mostly intended to be humorous and isn't out to lambaste anyone in particular to quote Taragel "Its Not About You, Really"

humor, meta, fandom, wank

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