Nov 24, 2008 19:15
What the English Teacher Says...What They Mean...
"This is an amazing book.""You will be amazed at the degrees of cruelty that human beings can perpetrate in Afghanistan, the Phillipines, South Carolina, and other foreign countries."
"The language is just so incredidble.""The graphic descriptions of rape, murder, and oppression are incredibly poetic."
"You've GOT to read this book!""You don't spend enough time cringing in horror and hiding under the bedclothes."
"That was the best book I read this year.""...Because the others were my bank statement, my insurance prospectus, and 86,000 incarnations of The Baby Beluga Book. At least I know that my baby isn't being bayoneted to death by heartless rapists like the one in this book!"
"I saw the movie... it was so moving! ""Not only do I enjoy reading about atrocities all day long, then I go watch them on screen. That part with the animal bleeding to death was my favorite."
I am ignoring any further book recommendations that come from English teachers. They have no happiness in their literary lives.