Oct 28, 2008 13:22
Grading papers stacking papers
Sitting here alone
While my finger gently bleeds
So much to do so little time
Ideas so not flowing like wine
While my finger gently bleeds
I got college-recommendation blues
Four to go, muy bad news
While my finger gently bleeds
Two inches of grading piled high
Down to one inch, my oh my,
So why can't I concentrate?
Been bleeding for 18 hours
Saps me of creative powers
And it's getting kind of late
Got three enormous tests to write
Staying up late into the night
While my finger gently bleeds
Baby's on the mitzva train
Menachem avel in the rain
While my finger gently bleeds
Husband has more work than me
How to get it done is a mystery
While my finger gently bleeds
Family time is not enough
Work and cooking is too rough
Then my daughter starts to whine
She reaches supersonic pitches
While my husband washes the dishes
And I remember why I retreated into the office in the first place whoooooaaaa yeah
She is so cute and sweet and kind
If she were to shut the %^#&@ up I really wouldn't mind
While my finger gently bleeds
Husband waiting patiently for attention
Finding errors in my checking blanace he won't mention
While my finger gently bleeds
I got the late October teaching blues
And I'm searching for more clues
And when I get home I'll burn that stupid plastic wrap
On which my blood has dripped like sap
And buy a new one