Jan 20, 2008 20:29
On a random whim of mine, I want to see if anyone (I know of two here) would like to participate in a writer's workshop (this can be geared either towards original!fic or fanfic...whichever you personally want).
To clarify what exactly that means, I will say such a workshop will not be comprised of me telling you exactly what you do right and wrong - I'm not an expert, nor do I think it's my way or the highway where writing is concerned.
My role would be in creating prompts to challenge people and draw out certain skills on a weekly or bi-weekly basis under a filtered group. People can post their work here and a number of people can comment, offer concrit, and also, their pieces of writing can she you alternative techniques of responding to the same prompt.
If you're interested, comment on this post and also add what you think are your strengths and weaknesses in writing.
I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not or if a lot of people will be interested in, but I think it would be fun if it worked out.
fan fiction,
writer's workshop