Okay, I am officially as bored as virtue. I could be reading Austen's Northanger Abbey, but I will wait for tomorrow.
Things Revelle Humanities ought to know - there are non-science majors that attend the Humanities program. Oh, and some of know what a thesis statement is. Some of us realize you left out the nuances of essay writing entirely. >.<
pinkangelsakura is incredibly amused by emo!Tamaki music, aka "Danza Nohtenki for clarinet, hapsichord, and strong quartet" on the Ouran OST. Her amusement amuses me.
But, at least I prepared multi-fandom(!) fic recs!
And you know, I know I am forgetting something somewhere.
Ouran Recs
Two of Silver, One of Gold -
the_dw Okay, everyone drop dead of shock, I’m reccing a KyouyaxHaruhi fic. But it is a heartbreakingly beautiful one that works with the character dynamics and makes not silly excuse to bend the story towards a pairing. It works because of what she does with Tamaki and how Tamaki manifests himself within the story. [Kyouya/Haruhi :0]
Reign Over Wonderland -
caesyrian I metaphors are beautifully balances in this piece and the imagery is clear and incisive. Moreover, it shows a nice introspective quality and a trajectory to his character. That and the last lines kill the fangirl in me. They kill me dead. The inversion of the common trope…yeah. That’s how it ostensibly should be.
The Gold Gilding -
cooking_spray Tamaki, Haruhi, and any sort of courtship is…exasperatingly difficult (I think I, myself, can only write future fic so I admire those who go for it.) This hits all the right points though…the writer does not make the mistake of romanticizing Haruhi’s character to an absurd point and this line - “If she had been anyone other than herself, she might've taken advantage of the utterly clichéd perfection of the scene she was trapped in.” - pretty much sums Haruhi in a romantic capacity up. But she does pull out the fluff and keeps it predominately in-character. [TamakixHaruhi]
Five Battles That Jonouchi Ayame Won (and the war that she lost) -
subtle_subtext Just go read all of her Ayame stuff. I’m just picking my favorite as emblematic of her lovely work…Ayame is so well fleshed out here (and novelty characters get hardly any love, so this makes me very excited). I love the progression through the years and the glimpses we get into a life without the influence of Tamaki. Also, as a person who is much like Ayame (okay, I admit it…I’m a tad bit academically competitive), I find the academic drama to be pretty damn funny. [AyamexKyouya, some AyamexTamaki]
9 Crimes and
Dirty Business -
namistai8 Yes…I shamelessly love Yuzuru for no real reason…and this is excellent Yuzuru. Both are such strikingly different visions of his character and his previous marriage. Also, phrases like “Machiavellian nightmare” should be worshipped and committed to memory for wonderful economy of expression. Yeah, that was geeky of me, just read them, they’re good.
Andante Grazioso -
petronia This is a lovely simple exercise in character study. It takes one moment - Tamaki playing the piano - and flits briefly through the minds off all of the Host Club members and takes a look at their reactions to it. The depth and breadth of musical knowledge is excellent and obvious here. It really just flows out very simply, but very skillfully. Also, she uses Mozart’s Piano Sonata in A Major, K. 331…and Mozart is my especial musical love. [Gen.]
Ports in a Storm - ProlificP
The Ouran crop at FFN lately has really been your garden variety suck. However, occasionally, I run across things like this that stand out to me. This fic may not be as finessed and refined as some, but to the background of a thunderstorm, everyone is given a small character vignette to reflect on things. But it does have some very lovely observations in it, especially the fact that Haruhi’s addition elevated them from proverbial bishy harem to cracktastic family situation. There are also hints of the other families that the club members have that are enticing because, besides the main club, minor characters tend to get swept under the rug entirely. My favorite part, however, are the last lines. They really are just gorgeous. [Haruhixeveryone, but lends itself more to MorixHaruhi]
Banana Peels - Super Sheba
This fic is perhaps the best use of mathematics - specifically the transitive property - that I have seen in a long time. It’s a really short, sweet, and utterly cracktastic fic. Really, it’s a fun verbal tap dance you have to read to appreciate. [TamakixHaruhi]
A Fangirl’s Trap - Birdboy
Maybe it is because the anime so overused her, but Renge does not get so much non-plot ploy fic love. This, simply by virtue of the fact that it goes through so much of her strangely twisted ways of thinking. I don’t really go the Haruhi’s reaction to the ending so much, but I think the thought processes leading up to it are very amusing. [RengexHaruhi]
Introspection - savifa
I wanted to shake this author’s hand, really I did. This entire fic is built around the premise of a “what if” question that Kyouya poses to himself, namely, what if he were to fall for Haruhi? It then goes through and analyzes in the incisive and logical manner that Kyouya has precisely the problems with this. Namely, the problem of Tamaki and the Host Club’s weird and finely balances system of relationships. It’s done so well, in such a Kyouya like manner that really, this author needs cookies.
Fruits Basket - Just two recs, Yuki-centric.
Buttons - greengirlblue
The feeling of this fic is so quiet and graceful. It manages to say so much with just simple gestures and so much left unsaid. It is about Yuki collecting buttons and, somehow, it just manages to strike something in me that is so very Yuki.
Nezumi - Windswift
This fic really manages to define Yuki in a quiet, somber way in the time before he ever met Tohru. It also deals in a tempting way with the powers of the Juunishi to deal with their respective animals…but it does so in a way that kind of breaks my little fangirly heart. Yuki really just needs a hug, that’s it.
Untitled, or “Ouran/Death Note Crossover” -
princess_dexter Fun at Haruhi’s expense should never be passed up. Fun with Haruhi combined with Ryuk from Death Note’s influence really shouldn’t be passed up. I love how she treats Ryuk with her usual acerbic treatment…also her sermon on the ethics of using the Death Note is quite funny. Also, the ending is extremely appropriate, although I won’t spoil it for you. Oh crack, how I love thee.
Rarefraction - firedraygon
Uh, more shameless Ouran and Death Note crossover. This time, however, Kyouya’s the preferred victim. I love Kyouya’s innate loathing and caution around L and his failed attempts and worries over the fact that his people haven’t promptly called him back and let him know his mysterious visitors identity. Kyouya’s anger at the cost of L and Hunny’s combined pastry consumption is also priceless.
“Accused” - CSI/House - Teenwitch
I can almost safely say this is one of the most well-written fanfics I have ever had the pleasure of coming across. House is my newest addiction (what can I say? I have a soft spot for witty misanthropes) and he is rendered so wonderfully here. I can hear Hugh Laurie saying most of the lines in here and they really are well-made enough to be House-isms. Also, CSI is integrated so seamlessly that I read without ever questioning and seeing any division between the two. I am almost disappointed that there is not more Grissom and House interaction (i.e. supreme battle of the witty misanthropes), but this is simply a wonderful bit of fic…unfinished, sadly, but still wonderful.
CSI: Death by Chocolate - Beth Einspanier
You want crack? I give you Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory/CSI fanfic. This is why fandom rocks the world. Well, a man is found in the middle of the desert in a pool of…chocolate. Now, imagine Warrick and Grisson handling Oompa Loompas and such and smile and nod and be amazed how the author blends these two things - which really have no business being combined in any sort of coherent fashion - into a lovely, hilarious work of art. Really, the characterizations of everyone are wonderful and this fic simply makes me happy. HAPPY! Now, go forth and read.