Apr 09, 2006 12:48
Okay so I know that I have been posting about everyday now, but such crazy things have been happening to me, I just have to share them.. Today's (last nights) adventure: 4 am firealarms! woo...hoo...
So.. Its tradition, every weekend, my buddies and I sleep in my friend Sarah's room and we stay up way too late talking. Well, we were tired so we went to bed fairly early (for a weekend), about 1:30 ish... I'm peacefully sleeping.. UNTIL the fire alarm goes off at 4 AM!!! AHHhhhh!! So we all had to heard out of the building and stad outside waiting for the moron to fess up to pulling the alarm. No one ever did so we were eventually let back inside the building. I'm almost asleep when the alarm goes off AGAIN!! Its now about 4:30ish.. we all go back outside and stand there for another half an hour, we are told to go back inside, so we go towards the building when the alarm goes off AGAIN!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHH!! So... we are herded into Ludwig, which is our cafeteria/coffee shop/game room building. We ended up crashing in the lobby of Ludwig for over an hour and a half. I guess the alarm had short circuited and kept going off every 5 minutes or so.. with no one in the building. Goodness... Well, a plus side, we got to see the sun rise because by the time wegot back into our dorm it was about 6:30!!! So, we went back to bed and got up at 9 for church today.. What a night!! I'm taking a nap, I'm exhausted!!!!