Apr 08, 2006 15:45
So... the slight cold that I mentioned in one of my previous posts... yeah so it has escalated into this sneezy caughing hacking cold. The sad thing is I'm pretty sure that its viral (yes, I'm already diagnosing myself:)..) but yeah so along with the sneexing, coughing, hacking, etc has come EXTREME dizziness.. ick.. I turn a corner and i think I might pass out. Turn a corner slowly, mind you.. so, let me tell you, these past couple days have been full of excitment, will I or will I not pass out! heh So, anyway, being the Nursing major I am, I check out all my symptoms and discoverd that it is quite normal, unfortunately, to have vertigo (the dizziness) along with a viral cold. Oh goody! I was just thrilled to read that, I'm sure you can imagine.. But, today the dizziness has subsided and I can actually turn around! Woohoo!!
But on a side note, my friend Sarah and I are having a girls night and are going to see Take The Lead with beautiful Antonio Banderas.. we're both very excited :)
Okay, so right now I am listening to Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Coat and I couldn't figure out why the voices sounded different than in the movie. Then I realized the subscript said the Original CANADIAN Cast. Ha.. I laughed so hard. I'm looking forward to the play!! Woohoo for musicals!!