I was tagged by
girlfan1979 (and sort of by
buffyaddict13), so here we go.
"Rules" (They're more like guidelines...)
Here's the deal: People who have been tagged post their answers and replace any question they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves. Tag 8 people. Those who are tagged cannot refuse (Yeah, right. Refuse away, gang). These 8 people must state who they were tagged by. You cannot tag the person who tagged you.
Yeah. I'm not really one for tagging, so if any of you reading this haven't been tagged and are feeling like you just cannot resist, just go for it!
1. You have 50 dollars in your pocket - what do you do with them?
Probably marvel at them for a bit, trying to remember when exactly I went to the currency exchange office, before actually going there to trade them for Swedish kronor.
2. What is your biggest guilty pleasure?
Make as if to bake a chocolate cake, but actually eat pretty much all of the mixture and finally throw out what I can't finish. It's bad, but damn it, it tastes better before it's been in the oven!
3. Have you ever seen someone die?
No, I haven't.
4. What was your favorite childhood movie?
The Last Unicorn. Oh, please, someone tell me you've seen it? I loved that film. The unicorn was so beautiful, and the Red Bull scared me so much I needed a pillow to hide behind when I watched it.
5. What was the last movie you saw, for pleasure, and would you recommend it?
That would be Narnia - the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. And yes, definitely. There's a hot faun - even if the movie were crap, which it wasn't, that would still make it worth seeing.
6. Superman or Batman?
I will have to say Batman. For the Batmobile alone.
7. Is there anything that has made you unhappy recently?
Do hormones count? Because those little bastards are a pain in my arse.
8. If you could have chosen at birth whether to be a boy or a girl, which would you be?
Okay, if we take away the hormones-thing, I'm pretty happy with being a girl. I like shopping for dresses. Even though I hardly ever wear them.
9. What do you consider your greatest accomplishment?
This probably sounds really silly, but when I started uni there was this whole getting-to-know-everyone thing, and I went to a lot of the activities they organised. And I actually - voluntarily - participated in a game of rounders. That was big, because for most girls my age (at least where I grew up and went to school), rounders symbolises failure and being mocked.
Other than that, uh... Moving to England for a year after graduating high school, learning to find my way, be by myself, making friends.
10. What's your greatest frustration?
That I'm a procrastinator. Every semester, I promise myself at the start that this year, I'm really going to work. I'm really going to study hard throughout the entire courses. I really am going to do this and that. But usually, when it comes down to it, I'm as bad a procrastinator as I always have been. (Thankfully I've seemingly managed to break the cycle a little this year, but that's more to do with the fact that I have no choice. It's study or fail.)
Oh, and also, that my left ear is apparently pursuing a vendetta against me. I guess I should be thankful that it is my left ear, though, and not the right one where I actually have some hearing left.
11. Do you believe in some form of life after death?
I don't know. But honestly, one of my great fears is that reincarnation is real and I'm going to end up born into a miserable life. As in a, war, no food or water, kind of life.
12. Which fictional character could you most see yourself marrying?
If I say fox!Robin Hood, everyone but
teithiwr is going to stare at me oddly... But I will anyway. I used to have a huge crush on him. I like camping and am always up for stealing.
And if I have to choose someone non-animated... Ford Prefect. *sigh* He could take me to the restaurant at the end of the universe anytime.
13. Do you have a motto? If yes which one?
Why do it the easy way when you could do it the hard way?
14. Have you ever been the victim of a serious crime?
Well, there was that time when I was forced to listen to a singer butcher some of my favourite Queen songs. I totally should have got reparations for that. Sometimes I still have nightmares and wake up crying.
15. You discover you've been drafted into military service (to a country to which you hold a citizenship). What do you do?
I cry and plead asthma. If I can't get out of it, I likely faint promptly during our first march and am either subjected to a code red or sent home.
16. What type of friends do you have?
People who are born early in the year, for some reason. I have so many birthdays to remember in January it's insane. Other than that... People with a sense of humour similar to my own, which tends to mean being slightly crude and/or using a great deal of sarcasm.
17. What would you like to be your epitaph?
I don't really mind, as long as it's spelt correctly. And is true. Maybe something like, "She really liked spaghetti".
18. What goes on your hotdog?
I'm a ketchup-only kind of girl.
19. What's the one possession you USED TO have, but don't anymore and wish you did? What happened to it?
When we left high school, one of my best friends put together a little book that depicted our friendship through those three years, with pictures, captions, notes, and so on. It was wonderful and I'm pretty sure I brought it with me when I moved to London, to have something to look at when homesickness set in, but when I moved back home I couldn't find it. Still can't, and it hurts my heart.
20. What place most speaks to you?
Uh... Well, every time I step off the train at Liverpool Street Station in London, I do get the feeling it's whispering "Welcome home" to me. Does that count?
The beach. But to hear it properly it should be close to sundown, and the beach should be as close to deserted as possible.