heartbeat, heartbeat, it keeps on pounding.

Jan 18, 2010 22:10

Complain about Imagine.

Next entry... Show off how far I've come in Imagine. Idk, guys. Idk.

At this point in time, I'm a level 59 Mage. I have Enhancing abilities that I will delve much more into one I'm a little higher leveled and have the tarot/soul stones I need applied to my equip. Being a mage is... Rough, that's all I'm going to say. I'm not sure I would do it again. However, I've come too far to just stop. I did do 1.5k damage yesterday with a dyne skill. That's pure magic doing what it does best.

Let's do a little showing off.

This is how I was... Within the first few days of playing:

This is a few months later:

This is as of today:

I wouldn't have the outfit I'm wearing if it weren't for Jac. I swear, I just want to cry knowing that she actually spent that much macca on me when she didn't need to. Especially because, well, I managed to make the money I needed the day she bought it. She really is the sweetest, most amazing person in the world. What would I do without her.

And, hey! Have pictures of my main demon.

Titania! I love her. I put so much work into getting her, and it was... Well.

Worth it. The first eight skills are hers. She has all the cannon skills, which are basically... Well, kind of like the dyne skills? She also has mediarahan and samarecarm. She loves spamming heals. I think she keeps the party from dying most of the time, ahaha. I'll definitely be keeping her for a long while. My only add on to my list will, eventually, be Parvati. She will be a healing/support demon, though. No doubt.

Anyway, this... Following information is more for myself and what I need in the future. Playing this game? Horribly pricy. That's all I'm going to say. If you want to be considered worth the time of day by most of the higher levels and actually get into parties for the toughest of dungeons, you have to put your all in it. Aka, you basically have to sell your soul.

parvati (need 12, MAG +2 INT +2) -- 7.8 mil

soul stone
orthrus (neck, null tarunda, will end up with 50% fire damage) -- 300k?
gorgon (arm, nulls stone, +1 magic) -- 300k?
thoth (head, +10 MP, when INT +50 = null muddle) -- probably around 600-650k, like parvati >:
high pixie (foot, MAG +2 INT +2) -- 200k?
succubus (armor, INT +4 MP +10)
kikuri-hime (earring, MAG +1 INT +1) -- 200k?
santa frost (ring...? extra, too? MAG +1 INT +1) -- these might be kinda hard to get, though...
parvati (legs, null mute, INT +10 MAG +4) -- another 600-650k

total bonus
MAG -- 33
INT -- 43
null stone, muddle, mute, tarunda (and already have cerb crystal which nulls makanda)



Doesn't feel so good, man. I'm fucked. I'll figure it out.
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