War Crimes, Time, and Ren-Gay

Oct 17, 2007 10:55

The nice thing about receptionist work is that i get real active with blogging again.  ;)

So I've been thinking about my video entry from earlier this morning and the implications about International Law.  Now, I don't watch "My Name is Earl" all that much.  However my understanding for the basis of the show sounds like it is the depiction of what the US needs to do in Foreign Relations: make a list of who we owe, get over feeling guilty, ignore pressure to fix it all at once, and simply make a commitment to a future of cleaning up the past.  Doing prison time doesn't seem like a productive solution and it doesn't work to just pay everyone off, even if he/we did have the money. But there are ways of being generous besides financially, and i think that is the way to go.

If we wanted to really do this right, we'd start with the fundamentals; that is, what might we consider our first loss of integrity?  American Indians.  I'd say next, we need to extend our understanding of that group to include Mexicans and the rest of the Indigenous people of the Americas.  We've never been real neighborly.

Actually being neighborly would be a good model for Foreign Relations.  The trouble is, we've been so afraid of trusting the rest of the world that we've become the angry neighbor that everyone warns their kids to stay away from.  LOL.  Yep, the US is a creepy guy who stands at his window with a shotgun.  Now how would this man need to go about healing himself?  Something as simple as being more friendly to his neighbors would sound to him to be stupid, inconsequential, and like a dumb hippie idea.  But if we can get this culture of ours to start recognizing ideas about doing the right thing as being noble and honorable, rather than ditsy and weak, then we'd really improve our ability to consider the smartest options for our future.

Again, Batman and Superman come to mind.  LOL.  What if the justice league went undercover and infultrated Capital Hill.  They could accomlish all my crazy radical ideas, like writing some constitutional ammendments to break up the country into regions in order to lessen federal power without giving states too much, change the method of evaulating the country's education system to reflect what Japan does, which is to send in trained evaluators who observe and conduct interviews instead of relying on standardized tests, redefine Indian Territories as a nation within a nation, like they did in South Africa, give DC its f*ing rights, etc etc!

heh.  I should go find that post i put up on fuuse.com a while back that suggested a lot of my "crazy" ideas like these...

politics, history, international

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