how good is Obama?

Jan 27, 2007 09:28

So, over on Facebook these days, people seem to be saddling up with respective presidential candidates. There's a lot of excitement over Obama, and I felt that too untill recently. Thing is, at a discussion on racism that I attended at a DC restaurant named after Langston Hughes this was said by one of the speakers there:

"I had the privilege of attending the black caucus black tie dinner. I was blown away by Obama's popularity - all these black politicians flocked to him. I was shocked. When it comes to the [voting] records, Edwards is my man. For those in black leadership and trying to bring more black power and influence, one of the ways to deal with that may be to have more honest discussions on who is running and who earns the support."

So I've been thinking about the fact that Obama is a moderate. Now maybe you have to be a moderate when you are so new to the Senate (tho there's a certain amout of bull in that concept), but the fact remains that you're a moderate, and haven't proven that you're willing to stand up for liberal issues and leave haliburton, the pharm companies etc. in the dust.

I'm reminded of something I hear John Beuhrans say one year at GA, which is that UUs need to become practical voters, and not perfectionist. He was referring to what happened with Nader voters and avoiding the same thing happening in '06. Now, the more I think about this though, is that it really only applies to choosing political parties. If I suport an uber liberal democrat over a moderate democrat, we don't then end up with Jeb Bush because I took votes away - no, because after the primary, I'd still vote democrat.

What are people's thoughts on the importance of having an african american or woman president vs. the importance of political issues?
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