I just remembered the title of that movie, Donnie Darko!

Jul 08, 2009 22:13

I need to spend some time lurking around creative layout livejournal communities. My lj needs some boom boom pow.

NBC, FOX, etc need to stop running of those advertisements for the fall shows. Me wantses, but they're months and months and months away. Delay of gratification has never been my strong point.

I'm looking forward to the 2 hour finale for HI. Who done it? (Well, we kind of know.) And more importantly--why?

Kings keeps managing to cling loosely to my peripheral attention. Jack is a big gay king and he's always crying. That pretty much sums up why I'm still watching the show. He's a perfect example of the overly dramatic angst usually placed on male characters in slash, now I'm just waiting for the comfort to take place. I guess the comfort comes via slash of him and his "bodyguard"? That'd be nice. I wouldn't mind jumping on that train of thought).

And on a truly sad note, I heard that PATD is breaking up. I just jumped into a band slash euphoria last week only to be rudely yanked out by ohnotheydidnt reporting the split. I feel like it's my fault. Oh, you like this new series? CANCELED. What about this band? BREAKING UP. At least I have years of old fic to luxuriate in...
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