Adventures at Walmart

Feb 26, 2009 14:10

It finally happened. My sports bra has ceased to be. It is an ex-sports bra. The dryer made it horribly misshapen--almost beyond recognition.  So I went off to Walmart, the closest clothing store for miles, to purchase a new one. But I always run into a professor or someone who took Physics 101 with me at Walmart. Thus it was Mission Impossible--buy sports bra without running into anyone. My sister thinks it is stupid to be embarrassed like this, but I do not want everyone to know what I'm going to be wearing under my clothes.

I did run into one person, but she's a friend and will probably see the bra when we change in the gym so--Mission Accomplished!

Meanwhile I still cannot find my Ipod. I've checked everywhere, even the couch that likes to eat socks, but it is nowhere to be found. What are the chances that I'll have a boss like Michael Scott this December and he'll pull out my name for Yankee Swap and I'll get another Ipod? Pretty good, right? Hell...

adele - hometown

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