Awww, dreaming of Shannon. Or is it just a dream? Remember Requiem, when he was dying and he saw Shannon and Kelly, and Kelly told him it was okay, he could go on?
Nice juxtaposition with happy/light and alone/dark.
This bit of directing too was well done, showing the crash with the reflection.
Tony has his thinky face on. Why Tony has his thinky face on? Ooh. Got this message. I like how they keep looking at him in this thoughtful way. Thinking of what he said, or if he's okay.
This little light of mine I'm gonna let it shine
Could you please shine in tune, Mr. Palmer? You're putting a minor third where none was intended.
Tony, Tim was trying to distract you. Just like this skeleton on the site you're reading. Whoever had the idea wasn't really smart.
You look troubled.
Oh, don't worry, he always looks like that.
This is an omen, isn't it? You were sent to talk to me.
By whom?
The man upstairs.
By Vance. Does Tim really not following or just mocking?
Ah, time for the usual "Do you have kids, agent Gibbs?". No? Well, that's surprising.
Oh, Jarvis is back, to look as helpful as possible for his own means.
Zabby! *snort* You want zombie Abby, Abby. Zabby is something else. But if you want that too, don't let me stop you.
Well, it looks like someone took a lesson from someone else. I was expecting Tony to keep mini binoculars in his desk. It's like Timmy was waiting for a moment to use them.
Oh, come on, Tony, a bucket list?
Hey! No snooping, McSteve Austin. My life is none of your business--you and your little bionic eyeballs.
A big bit for the Tibbs shippers and a small for the McNozzo, once again. I'm following
catwalksalone, as long as the whole list is shown in canon, I'm considering just what is shown on the screen, with the wonder of the world and McGee's butt.
I want to go back in time, find the Tony of season 1 or 2 and tell him that one day, he's going to be enough into it to try and beat a long time gamer.
She doesn't even look behind her, she knows the hand is here and waiting for his share.
Of course, McGee will notice the naked part. Tony already did it? I think we need to know more. For science.
Awww, he's mouthing the song with the kid. Yes, I'm ignoring the lack of logic of opening the box at his home instead of the NCIS.
Waaait. What about Shannon? I know that he only talked to her once by then, so he's technically free to see someone else, but it still bother me. I'm conscious it's irrational.
Uh, you mind if I come along?
I can be helpful, Gibbs. I can try to talk to him when mumbled words emanating from a gray-haired grizzly bear seem much less persuasive.
And she did talk all the way!! :D
Timmy frowning at the headslap. I don't think Tony saw this one as romantic.
Ducky/Gibbs fist bump!
Ooh, like the dress!
Of course she's alive. No plot otherwise.
To be continued