My fortune tonight: You will never have to worry about a steady income. I always wonder if these cookies can be remotely correct; however, I can definitely hope with tonight’s fortune. Today was an extremely long day at work, I have some deadlines approaching quickly and I am going to do everything that I possibly can to insure that they are met. I cannot go into details as to what the projects and deadlines are but I will be busy for the next two months.. so don’t be surprised if I disappear even more than I have lately.
I have been thinking about leaving school so that I may pursue additional programming knowledge on my own. I don’t feel like I am gaining anything through college so I am forcing myself to evaluate the uses of a college degree. I am going to stay late tomorrow night and speak with my professor and gather his thoughts on the matter. I keep going back and forth whether or not I should continue school, I know it will be useful when trying to get a new job later in the future but I am tired of the emphasis companies are placing on it.
I went to Tennessee with Jennifer this weekend, it was nice to get away but we did not do as much as I would have liked. I had a good time for the most part but I was amazed at how poorly children are acting. Jennifer and I both had several kids bump into us, shove past us, and simply act rude as we were trying to enjoy the sights and take photographs. I really wish I could have snapped at the kids yet I know that is the parents job.. Now, if only parents would actually do their part.
While visiting Tennessee, we saw aquarium addition titled Ocean Journey and spent a lot of time in the butterfly area taking pictures (pictured below). The butterfly area was on of the better attractions but I also enjoyed the new large tank and jellyfish exhibits. I attempted to take several pictures of the large tank; however, the lighting make it nearly impossible. The original aquarium, River Journey, seemed dull and it did not have any changes since the last two times I have visited. Against my original thoughts, the Tennessee aquarium was extremely busy. I don’t know if the fact that it was spring break had any influence but I was disappointed at how busy it really was.
Jenna and I ate at Cheeburger Cheeburger as always and it was extremely good food. I have to suggest this burger place to anyone who visits downtown Chattanooga. We always seem to find good, and interesting, food when we visit Chattanooga.
Well, tomorrow is already supposed to be extremely busy so I think I am going to bed early tonight. Hopefully I will begin posting more frequently since this will be my main connection to people outside of my office (excluding Jenna).