Updated PA RSS Generator

May 07, 2008 00:22

A while back I wrote a script that parsed the penny-arcade website to abstract the latest comic and build an RSS feed of the latest comics. The script died about a month ago when PA updated the DOM structure on its website. I finally re-wrote the script using Python instead of PHP and it was a much more enjoyable experience. I had to play with some libraries that were new to me, such as sgmllib and xml.dom.minidom, so I think it was worth the re-write.

I also entered a request with LiveJournal to fix the penny-arcade syndication since someone changed the feed url when my script died. I’m waiting to find out if it’s possible to fix the problem since someone also decided to combine the standard news and comics only syndications during the change. Worst case, it’s broken and I will create a new syndication. I would use the yahoo pipes syndication but it seems to be poorly formatted, plus I like to use the things I code.

The source is available on my old domain for anyone that is interested: Penny Arcade RSS Generator.
[Posted from Penguin Meet Python]


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