Feb 19, 2010 14:07
Moron: Hi, you have a house for sale on N Street?
Cranky Desk Monkey (acting on the assumption that this caller, like many, many others, has mistaken us for a residential real estate agency): Yes, we do, but it's actually a commercial property. I believe it's zoned Office.
Moron: Yes, I'm aware of that. I just want to know how much you're asking for it.
If you were aware that it wasn't a house, why did you CALL IT A HOUSE?
Let's give a big hand to today's featured Moron!
Little irritations really accrete over time, don't they? (And while I'm at it, LiveJournal, why doesn't your spellchecker admit the verb "accrete"?) I guess the silver lining to having had the I'm Leaving Talk with Bossman in an impromptu, blurty sort of way the other day is that I can now grit my teeth and think of June.
Grit, grit, grit. June, June, June.