Apr 02, 2007 15:36
Today is my last Monday at my current job - and even though I have known that I'm leaving for a little while now, the reality of it all is starting to sink in.
I was in CT this weekend for my final dress fitting, and my shower for New England friends and family. Everything went very well, and I had a wonderful time catching up with folks that I haven't seen in a while. I had such a good time that I was actually hoping that my travel home would have to be delayed... but to no avail. The flights back to KC were some of the smoothest flights I've ever been on. I actually arrived in KC, and got my luggage and car before I was expected to arrive.
The downside of the wonderful weekend I had is that I did nothing scientific at all... and so the magnitude of what I need to get done this week hit me like a ton of bricks when I got into work this AM. It stressed me out so much that I'm actually working from home this afternoon eating ginger and drinking peppermint tea in hopes of calming my stomach... which was violently protesting lunch. Yay. Stress.
I also got in contact with the moving company today, so we're finally getting dates and details organized. Looks like I'll be loading onto the truck sometime between Apr 10-12. So at least that stress is dissipating.
So I just need to hang in a little longer, and all will be well.