About Snape...

Jan 03, 2008 23:21

I read this essay a few months ago, about Snape's death. Specifically it was about how his death was undignified, silly and generally unworthy of such a great man.

Now, in the grand scheme of things, I think Snape pretty much hit the motherfucking jackpot in the Potterverse death sweepstakes. Getting your head bitten off by a snape/horcrux beats the hell out of stumbling through a veil, or getting offed by Molly freakin' Weasley. I mean, if there was a way to go that was unworthy of Snape THAT would be it - getting taken out by a jumped up housewife. And hey, at least he got a death scene. Not every fan favourite can say so much. Nothing says "Your favourite character is unimportant and you're an idiot for loving him" like reading about him dying somewhere, off page.

And come on, we're talking about a guy who was so deep cover that we couldn't be certain of his loyalties until he was dead. Although I've always known how it would turn out. I'm not sure how a surprise attack by a magical attack-snake works out as a bad death for him. I mean, who expects attack-snakes? Really.

The fact that Voldemort took Snape out with Nagini rather than dueling him actually speaks to both their intelligence: "Hey maybe it's not a good idea to directly fight a guy who: 1) has obviously been spying on me for years; 2) knows my moves and a hell of a lot of dark magic, besides being the only other wizard to fly without a broom; 3) is the dude who KILLED DUMBLDORE. Especially considering that 1) I'm in the middle of an assault on Hogwarts, which is defended by students, teachers, the Order of the Phoenix and all six trillion members of the Weasley clan; and 2) I'm gearing up for a battle to the death with my arch-nemesis. Maybe I'll just ninja this fucker instead!"

In conclusion, I'm pro snake bite. Good night and good luck.

meta, f: harry potter, f: snape

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