10 Ways Fandom Has Fucked Canon!Snape Up the Ass With Mischaracterization

Aug 24, 2003 00:09

ETA: Just to clarify, because a lot of people are reacting the same way. I'm talking about what I see as inaccurate base characterizations, i.e. what makes up the bedrock of a personality. I'm not talking about secondary or learnerd/acquired traits. So, Snape can be a bastard and like books, but he's not a bastard because he likes books.In no ( Read more... )

meta, f: harry potter, f: snape

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ranalore August 24 2003, 05:49:53 UTC
I remain certain a great deal of fanon!Snape is Alan Rickman's fault, but I can't prove it. At any rate, serious Word to everything you said here. Snape is not ultimate evil, he is not an unsung hero, he's just nasty and pathetic and in need of both a therapist and a hygiene routine.

Of course, I also have issues with he'stherealhero!Draco and noredeemingqualities!Harry, so clearly my judgment is not to be trusted.


schmevil August 25 2003, 12:47:10 UTC
Well, it would be interesting to track down some oldbies and get their impressions of pre and post-movie Snape fanon. We could also compare teh colume and type of Snapefic being produced. I came into the fandom right after the first movie was releaser, so I can't really judge. What I've read has always been influenced by Rickman's Snape.

I really enjoy ordinary-asshole!Snape. The kind of guy who's someone's neighbor or co-worker from hell. The does nasty things to people and is always waiting for someone to attack him in return.

he'stherealhero!Draco drives me nuts! Grr. Arg.


ranalore September 1 2003, 00:27:07 UTC
Well, it would be interesting to track down some oldbies and get their impressions of pre and post-movie Snape fanon. We could also compare teh colume and type of Snapefic being produced. I came into the fandom right after the first movie was releaser, so I can't really judge. What I've read has always been influenced by Rickman's Snape.

I came in after the first movie came out, as well. I like the idea of tracking down those who were in the fandom before the casting was even announced to get their impressions. That, or hunting down the longest-running HP mls and going back to the early messages, but...that would require effort and I'm nothing if not lazy.

I really enjoy ordinary-asshole!Snape. The kind of guy who's someone's neighbor or co-worker from hell. The does nasty things to people and is always waiting for someone to attack him in return.That's exactly the way I see him in canon. He may be on the side of good, but he's a good example of how petty and vindictive even the good guys can be. Much as his attitude, ( ... )


schmevil September 1 2003, 21:02:45 UTC
Wow. My typing in the above comment was really... wonky.

But...that would require effort and I'm nothing if not lazy.

Yes, me too, so I have an idea. I'll just do a post on my lj about it and we'll see what people have to say. *g*

He brings a bit of much-needed balance on several fronts, and I hate to see that balance...well, unbalanced.

Yes! This very clearly articulates many of the problems with uncanonical characterizations, especially when it comes to Snape. I think he has a very particular role to play in the novels and it doesn't include 'redemption'.

He drives me nuts not just because he's uncanonical, but because he's a thief.

*nods* He's no longer Draco, he's Harry!Draco. The bastard child of wishful thinking and a profound lack of imagination.


ranalore September 10 2003, 18:16:21 UTC
Yes, me too, so I have an idea. I'll just do a post on my lj about it and we'll see what people have to say. *g*

If you're still interested in the answer, I can post the question to my LJ and see what response I get. From past experience, I'm inclined to believe most Snape fans will protest that their love for Alan Rickman has nothing to do with it, but they could surprise me.

Yes! This very clearly articulates many of the problems with uncanonical characterizations, especially when it comes to Snape. I think he has a very particular role to play in the novels and it doesn't include 'redemption'.*nod* I would go so far as to say JKR seems to be taking him further from redemption with every novel. This is a man with deep-seated issues, a man who may be currently working for the side of the good, but his actions in OotP made it pretty clear to me that there's only so far he'll sacrifice his own resentment in the name of the greater good. His refusal to continue Harry's Occlumency lessons after the Pensieve incident, even knowing ( ... )


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