What I wrote in 2009

Jan 07, 2010 21:44


Little Deaths: Steve/Tony (explicit sex and kink)
When the Levee Breaks (100)
Die Easy (1,034)
Let Me Down So Low (1,349)

Any Star: Carol Danvers (100)

If Death Were A Good Thing: Janet Van Dyne (150)

C12H22O11 (Or, The Science of Candy): Carol, Wanda, Tony, Vision (1,430)

Sexy Sexy: Jen/Jazinda (700)

Harry Potter

Here Is No Place: Lily, Sirius, James (2,992)

Love, Marriage, Dating, Children, Dating (Again): Ron/Hermione, Harry/Ginny (12,800)

To The River: Snape (3,216, violence!)

Y: the Last Man

Weather Eye: Yorick Brown (1,513)


Five Loves (Ab Uno Disce Omnes): Buffy/Angel, Buffy/Spike, Buffy, Giles, Dawn (9,978)

Imbrication: Giles (6,660)


Texas 349 to Midland: Sam, Castiel (1,109)

A Hell For Angels: Castiel, Ruby (1,455)

Spa Day: Sam, Dean, Castiel (553)

Invictus: Sam/Ruby, Azazel, Dean (3,328, sex and violence!)

Grace Too: Dean/Castiel (3080, suggestive!)

In Truth: Anna, Uriel, Castiel, Dean (500)

The World's Biggest Snow Globe Emporium Is Haunted: Dean, Sam, Castiel (2,065)

Alternate: http://schmevil.dreamwidth.org/209924.html.

f: harry potter, f: avengers, f: buffy / angel, f: supernatural, f: y the last man, me: fic

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