Dec 11, 2006 05:05
Yesterday I spent 14 hours in the library, 16 today. I can safely say that I am losing my ever-loving mind. About five hours ago, two people (one in an ape costume, the other a banana) walked through the study areas wearing signs that read "Study hard" and "Fulfill your graduation requirements." They then proceeded to distribute condoms to each table. For those of you who don't attend Duke, the signs were in reference to the unofficial graduation requirement that one must have sex in the stacks of the library. The implication that finals week is a good time for this act, however, I find unacceptably voyeuristic. Where would one go? There's a kid with glasses and an overbite between each set of shelves. The other problem with this disturbing act was the fact that everyone was absolutely convinced he or she was hallucinating. After the Monkey and Banana walked through, everyone ignored it for a full minute until someone on the floor broke the silence. "Did that just happen?" "Oh, thank god, you saw it too." Now, the blown-up condoms floating through the air are undeniably all that remains of this encounter.
Professor Wallace once said that every mention of a monkey is actually a racist reference to black people (although he had some trouble with my suggestion that a science book about chimps is an exception).
Speaking of racism, Tamara and I both got death looks due to race-related comments we made yesterday. As we were walking back from the Delta (a black sorority) "study break," I saw Miho and said, "we just went to the black people study break; it was so fun." A black guy gave me a dirty look and slowly shook his head from side to side as if saying no in slo-mo. Later, we were walking back from the Loop, in exactly the same place as we'd been when I'd received my look, and Tamara made a similar faux pas. "I hope those tri-Delts we asked to watch our stuff didn't just steal it all while we were gone. That's why I'm glad we're bi-racial friends: you can ask the white people to watch our stuff, and I can ask the black people." This time, a while gentleman looked back and gave Tamara the dirty look. It was so damn symmetrical.