Dec 09, 2006 16:19
I hate how during finals times, everything is advertised as a study break. "Take a study break and give blood!" Hey, yeah, that sounds like a great break. Getting all the iron sucked out of your body only takes 30 minutes and will leave you level-headed with a refreshed zest for paper-writing. "Hey Sarah! Come over to Chris's room for a study break and do some shots with us!!!!" Getting blackout drunk is unarguably cool, but calling it a study break does not make it so. We must combat this linguistic abuse with the force of 1,000 armies.
Where did the Trojans keep their armies?
In their sleevies!!!
Hahaha! I love that joke. That joke was such a great study break.
And here's what else: the motherfucking basketball game meant that there was no parking on campus, so I had to park on Central and walk my cold ass to the library, carrying my computer and all of my books. And here's what else: that DeltaDeltaDeltaDelta bitch needs to put her motherfucking phone on silent. The thing has been ringing every five minutes since I got here ten minutes ago.
No, but for real. This study break is over.